Negative Factors of Bologna Process Influence on Russian Higher Education System

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The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of problematic factors inherent in the Bologna System on the competitiveness of domestic education and human capital development. The analysis of the use of the Bologna system revealed the presence of 10 significant problems. It is shown that the goal of increasing the competitiveness of education in the framework of the Bologna process does not contribute to the growth of such for the Russian Federation as a result of significant differences in the determinants of competition for Western Europe and Russia. The share of specialists with tertiary education in Russia (57%) is much higher than in the European Union (37%), which makes the choice of the Bologna system as a model for the development of education questionable. In contrast to the time when Russia joined the Bologna process, the leaders of economic development are now the largest emerging economies-China, India, etc. This makes it urgent for Russia to leave the closed Bologna system, which focuses on international competition. The key issue of the educational paradigm has not been solved within the Bologna process, which makes it relevant to solve it without burdening it with the norms of the Bologna process. Russia's unequal partnership with EU countries in the framework of the Bologna process facilitates the migration of Russian graduates to Western countries, which has already resulted in losses of 1% of GDP. The materials of the paper can be used for detailed elaboration of changes in the Russian educational system for the future, taking into account the possibilities of increasing its international competitiveness in the field of higher education.

About the authors

Viktor D. Orekhov

International Institute of Management LINK

Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Director of the scientific and educational center Zhukovsky, Russian Federation

Elena A. Panfilova

Rostov State University of Economics (RINH)

Cand. Sci (Econ), Associate Professor Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Olga S. Pricina

Synergy University

Cand. Sci (Econ), Professor, Professor of the Faculty of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation

Olesya G. Kukharenko

Synergy University

Cand. Sci (Econ), Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics Moscow, Russian Federation


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