Digitalization through the Principles of Legal Proceedings (In Civil and Arbitration Process)




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Digitalization processes cover the largest range of spheres of life every time. Including the law for a short period of development of digitalization is in close cooperation with these processes. It is noteworthy that the issues of digitalization in law are considered both in the theory of law and in a highly specialized branch of law, which indicates the high relevance of the stated research topic. The authors set the task of analyzing the impact of digitalization on the principles of civil and arbitration proceedings, considering that the principles represent the fundamental principle on which the branch of law is based. During the study, the authors made conclusions either about the positive impact of digitalization on the principles of the process and the promotion of their development, or about the negative effect that requires additional settlement of emerging problems. With this study, the authors draw attention to the fact that when introducing digital processes, it is necessary not to forget about the fundamental provisions and digitalize the process exclusively in accordance with the existing principles and compliance with constitutional rights.


Ekaterina Rusakova

Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Dr. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor Moscow, Russian Federation

Viktor Zaytsev

Рeoples Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Юридический институт Moscow, Russian Federation


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