Effectiveness of PhosAgro NPK and Gumiton under cultivating potatoes in radioactive soil contamination conditions




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Based on the results of three-year production tests, the effectiveness of the use of PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer and a new organ-mineral complex based on Gumiton peat in potato cultivation technologies on radioactively contaminated sod-podzolic soils in the Novozybkovsky district of the Bryansk region was assessed. Soils differed in the level of fertility and in the density of 137Cs pollution. It was shown that leaf treatment of 1 l/ha Gumiton plantings in the potato budding phase without fertilizer contributed to a 19 – 58% increase in tuber yield relative to control, depending on the year. The introduction of PhosAgro NPK fertilizer at a dose of 0.5 t/ha ensured an increase in potato yield by 22 – 42% relative to the control. The joint use of fertilizer and the drug increased the tuber harvest by 12 – 19%, compared to the PhosAgro NPK variant and by 37 – 68% relative to control. The multiplicity of the decrease in 137Cs intake into tubers during the treatment of potato plantings with Gumiton was up to 6.4 times in relation to the control, with the combined use of the drug and fertilizer – up to 3.4 times in comparison with the PhosAgro NPK variant. The use of Gumiton and PhosAgro NPK guaranteed the production of potato tubers with 137Cs content in accordance with SanPiN 2.3.2 standards. 2650-10. The use of the Gumiton organic-mineral complex and PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer for production of regulatory clean potato products should be recommended on radioactively contaminated sod-podzolic soils of the Bryansk region.




D. Sviridenko

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»

Email: ecology2003@mail.ru

PhD in Biological Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Obninsk, Kaluga region

S. Arysheva

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»

Email: ecology2003@mail.ru

PhD in Biological Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Obninsk, Kaluga region

A. Suslov

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»

Email: ecology2003@mail.ru

PhD in Agricultural Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Obninsk, Kaluga region

N. Ivankin

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»

Email: ecology2003@mail.ru


俄罗斯联邦, Obninsk, Kaluga region

K. Petrov

Russian Institute of Radiology and Agroecology of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»

Email: ecology2003@mail.ru


俄罗斯联邦, Obninsk, Kaluga region


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