Correlation of structural indicators of winter wheat with grain productivity influenced by contrasting meteorological conditions in the central region




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Field research was carried out in the nursery of competitive variety testing in 2018-2022 on the selection fields of ISA-a branch of the FSBI FNAC VIM of the Ryazan region. The objects of the study were the hydrothermal conditions of the region and the structural elements of the productivity of the best varieties of their own selection: Viola, Felicia, Galatea, Anfisa, Boyarka, Ivita, Vimitsa (GSI), Adarka (GSI) and 3 promising lines with consistently high yields over the years of research. The revealed interrelations between yield and the elements of productivity that determine it in the continuously changing external conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation allowed us to establish that such indicators as "number of plants before harvesting" - r=+0.887, "mass of 1000 grains" - r=+0.806, "number of productive stems" - r=+0.613 and "plant height" - r=+0.494 have the main influence on the formation of productivity of winter wheat varieties/lines selected for analysis. The main factor limiting the productivity of grain crops in the area of our research is the lack of atmospheric moisture. The amount of precipitation and the SCC of the growing season significantly affect the "height of plants" (r=+0.761...+0.863), "number of productive stems" (r=+0.556...+0.687), "ear length" (r=+0.598...+0.684), "coefficient of productive bushiness" (r=+0.592...+0.723), "the number of grains in the ear" (r=+0.304...+0.484), "the mass of grain from the ear" (r=+0.301...+0.506). The sum of effective temperatures had a negative relationship (r≥-0,500) with almost all elements of productivity.


O. Levakova

Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"


E. Zharkova

Institute of Seed Production and Agrotechnologies - branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"


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