

The main headings of the journal are: Crop production and selection, Agriculture, Veterinary entomology, Zootechnics, Processes and machines of agroengineer systems.



The journal is included by Higher Certification Commission (HAK) under the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF into the “List of peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions, which should be published basic scientific results of PhD dissertations”.

The journal as separate database of Russian index of scientific citation (RINTs) is available at Web of Science platform and registered in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and in the International Сitation system Agris.


Code of Ethics

Publication ethics
The journal is committed to ensuring the publication ethics standards set by the COPE Code of Conduct.

Authors and manuscripts
Only high-quality original research work, not published previously and not under review with another journal, is accepted for publication.

All authors of a manuscript should meet the criteria of significant contribution to the research, and all those who meet the criteria should be authors.

The authors should guarantee that the data/materials of the submitted work are real and authentic and do not infringe on other persons’ rights and their publication does not cause the disclosure of any secret or confidential information.

In case the manuscript contains fragments of works or refer to works protected by copyright and belonging to a third party, the authors must make reference to the origin and, if applicable, obtain the permission of the copyright holders. A list of all references should be provided at the end of the manuscript.

The sources of support for the work must be acknowledged/disclosed in the manuscript.

The authors are obliged to participate in the peer review process providing timely and substantiated answers and revisions of the manuscript on requests of the reviewers and editors.

In case a mistake is found in a published article, its authors hold the responsibility to correct it as soon as possible. The senior author should write a letter to the journal editor describing the mistake. When an error is serious enough to invalidate the research findings, the authors should ask for a rectraction of the article.

Peer review
The journal follows the single blind peer-review procedure for all manuscripts received.

Peer reviewers should

declare if they do not have the subject expertise required to carry out the review;
declare any potentially conflicting or competing interests or situations;
decline to review if they feel unable to provide a fair and unbiased review:
keep all manuscript and review details confidential;
be objective and constructive in their reviews and provide feedback that will help the authors to improve their manuscript;
be specific in their criticisms and provide appropriate references to substantiate their judgment;
complete the review within the relevant time and take all necessary steps to fulfill the limitations of the journal.
The editors have the following duties and responsibilities:

Adopt processes that encourage accuracy, completeness and clarity of research reporting.
Ensure that all published manuscripts have been reviewed by suitably qualified reviewers.
Have complete responsibility and authority to accept or reject a manuscript for publication. The decision should be based on the importance, originality and clarity of the manuscript, the validity of the presented study and its relevance to the remit of the journal.
Strictly preserve the confidentiality of the manuscripts submitted to the journal while under review and the anonymity of the reviewers.
Always be vigilant regarding publication malpractices, including plagiarism, data/results falsification and fabrication, and investigate carefully such allegations at any stage of the publication process. In the pre-publication stage, a determination of a malpractice should result in rejection of the manuscript. In the post-publication stage, a retraction or correction should be published in a subsequent issue of the journal.
Promptly publish notifications of apologies, corrections, retractions, etc.
Strive to preclude business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards of publishing.
Actively seek the views of authors, readers, reviewers and editorial board members about ways of improving the journal’s processes.
