Results of the study of new strawberries varieties in the Central Black earth region



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The results of the study of 20 new strawberry cultivars at the collection site of the VNIISPK located in the Orel region are presented. The studies were carried out in 2021–2022. Records and observations were carried out according to the requirements of the Program and methodology of variety study of fruit, berry and nut crops, section “Strawberries”. The data on the components of productivity and yield are given. The cultivars are ranked by the timing of flowering and maturation. The complex of economically valuable traits and properties was comparatively assessed. The dates of the passage of the main phenophases were determined. Vegetation began on April 10–15. The extension of inflorescences fell on the period from April 26 to May 3. Flowering began on May 14–15, fruiting was from June 12–18 to July 20. The sum of effective temperatures at the beginning of the growing season was 72 °C – 97.5°C. The mass extension of inflorescences in accounting years occurred at the sum of effective temperatures of 148–149° C. Flowering began at the sum of effective temperatures of 214–240° C, mass flowering took place at the sum of effective temperatures of 324–424° C. The effective temperature range at the beginning of fruiting was 583–686° C in 2022–2023, at the time of mass fruiting – 639–737°С. According to the results of the study, the most large-fruited cultivars were identified: Brilla (20.3 g), Raurica (20.4 g) Amy (21.0 g) and Quicky (25.5 g); cultivars containing 10 or more peduncles: Malling centenary and Sonsation. Cultivars with more than 50 ovaries per bush are of the greatest breeding value. These requirements were met by Roxana (51.1 pcs.), Sonsation (51.8 pcs.), Jive (52.2 pcs.), Rumba (52.5 pcs.), Raurica (53.6 pcs.), Malling centenary (55.4 pcs.), Kent (75.7 pcs.) and Vivaldy (63.2 pcs.). High-yielding cultivars were identified: Raurica (541.7 g), Quicky (563.2 g), Roxana (619.8 g) and Malling centenary (635.7 g).

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Sobre autores

M. Zubkova

Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding

Autor responsável pela correspondência


Rússia, Zhilin village, Oryol region


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2. Fig.1

Baixar (172KB)
3. Fig.2

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4. Fig.3

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