The usage of silicon-humic preparations in the potato cultivation



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One of the ways to increase crop yields is the use of foliar treatments with humic preparations. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of silica-humic preparations on the yield of potatoes and changes in soil characteristics. In the experiment, the effect of the humic preparation BoGum and the silicic-humic preparations BoGum-S and nanoBoGum-S obtained on its basis on the yield of potatoes of the Skarb variety and the agrochemical parameters of the soil was studied. The experiment was carried out on soddy-podzolic soil in 2020-2022. at the Gubino VNIIMZ agricultural polygon in the Tver region. The preparations were used for the treatment of tubers and double foliar feeding of vegetative potato plants. Background - mineral fertilizers (N65P65K65). It was shown that all preparations contributed to the increase in the yield of potato tubers, mainly due to an increase in the mass of marketable tubers. The increase in potato yield from the use of BoGum and BoGum-S was almost the same and averaged 4.5% over three years, the use of nanosized nanoBoGum-S gave an increase of 10.6%. The years of research were distinguished by unfavorable weather conditions (2020 - excessively humid, 2021 - dry, 2022 - slightly dry). The increase in potato yield showed that the preparations reduced the impact of unfavorable abiotic factors. In the flowering phase of potatoes, a decrease in the content of monosilicic acids and an increase in polysilicic acids in the soil were noted in the variants with the use of silicic preparations compared with the control. In addition, when using all preparations, the accumulation of mobile phosphorus in the soil was observed on average by 9-19 mg/kg of soil.

Sobre autores

Yu. Smirnova

FRC «V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute»

Moscow, Russia

N. Fomicheva

FRC «V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute»

Moscow, Russia

A. Kashkova

FRC «V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute»

Moscow, Russia


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