Том 32, № 3 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Political Institutions, Processes, Technologies

Development of Science Diplomacy in the MENA Region: Priorities and Prospects for Cooperation with Russia on the Example of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates

Vasilyeva I., Bogatova R., Rebrova T.


Introduction. The development of science diplomacy is aimed at promotion of a state’s interests in the international arena. Russia is striving to strengthen cooperation in the field of scientific and technological development, humanitarian exchange with such MENA countries as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. These countries are of significant interest to Russia due to the long-standing forms of cooperation with them. The main purpose of this study is to identify science diplomacy actors, visually present them taking into consideration the process of science development in these countries and determine prospects of cooperation with Russia.

Materials and Methods. In their study, the authors used data from open sources, Russian Federal State Statistics Service reports, UNESCO Science reports, World Bank database. The analysis of development of international science and technology cooperation in the three MENA countries was carried out. The authors used the descriptive method to present the main actors of science diplomacy and visually provide the science diplomacy systems. The developed models of science diplomacy of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates enable Russia to identify the priorities in the field of science diplomacy in the context of geopolitical challenges.

Results. The study identified the potential partners of Russia in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt to strengthen international science and technology cooperation. The prospects for cooperation with these countries are fixed in the mutual agreements with Russia. The authors studied the policy of these countries in the field of international scientific and technical cooperation, considered strategic directions for the development of science diplomacy. The created models of science diplomacy reflect the main actors of science diplomacy, as well as the current interrelationship between the three MENA countries and Russia in the field of science and technology. The value of this research lies in the preparation of an extensive analytical base that helps to identify potential partners for Russia among the MENA countries, as well as identify key strategies and directions to stimulate the growth of cooperation and knowledge exchange.

Discussion and Conclusion. The research has shown that in the studied Arab countries, there is an active development of scientific diplomacy. The governments of these countries are increasingly turning to science to solve political problems. The MENA region has extensive resources and scientific potential, which makes it attractive for scientific cooperation. The analysis of cooperation with these countries made it possible to identify key strategies and priorities to stimulate the growth of cooperation and knowledge exchange between the MENA countries and Russia.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):402-425
pages 402-425 views

Formation of a Unified Educational Space of the Union State from the Perspective of the Policy of Patriotic Education

Bakhlova O., Bakhlov I.


Introduction. Awareness of the commonality of geopolitical and civilizational challenges of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus pushes for deepening integration cooperation in different directions. Close attention is paid to the problem of security, interpreted in an expanded way. Its provision correlates with the strengthening of the humanitarian dimension of the Union State, including the formation of a unified educational space. In modern conditions, its correlation with the consolidation of the policy of patriotic education in the integration field is being actualized. The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of their coupling, taking into account the dynamics of union construction.

Materials and Methods. The research is based on the methods of binary comparison, traditional and discourse analysis of official texts. An additional method is a formalized correspondence expert survey. The key materials are normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, interstate, intergovernmental and integration agreements, information content of the web resources of the Union State. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the research are a new political institutionalism, a multidimensional model of social action, and the paradigm of “political unification”.

Results. The article describes the normative foundations of state policy in the field of education and integration guidelines in the cultural and humanitarian plane within the framework of the movement towards the Union educational space. The demanded categories of the axiological plan are revealed, referring to the relationship between education and upbringing. The key lines of discursive practices at the sites of the union institutions are shown. The understanding of the need to adapt education systems to the requirements of the time and the linking of patriotic education with the protection and preservation of common historical memory are emphasized.

Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the study and expert assessments suggest the articulation of not only positive changes, but also urgent vectors for improving national approaches and integration solutions. They correspond to the elimination of conflicts, the development and adoption of new documents at the level of the Union State, the implementation of value categories and new areas of unified policy. The results obtained may be of interest to public authorities and union institutions, participants in patriotic education in the territory of the Union State.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):426-445
pages 426-445 views

Political Sociology

Social Construction of All-Russian Identity in the North Caucasus: Status and Prospects

Gritsenko G.


Introduction. The relevance of the issues under study, which is due to the need to strengthen the all-Russian identity in the multi-ethnic North Caucasian community in the context of a sharp aggravation of geopolitical contradictions. The purpose of the article is formulated – on the basis of empirical material, to determine the specifics of the manifestation of macrosocial identity in the life of the population of the North Caucasus Federal District and to identify opportunities for further construction of an all-Russian identity in the North Caucasus region.

Materials and methods. The section identifies the sources of the empirical base of all subjects of the Russian Federation that form the North Caucasus Federal District, the main of which are regional regulatory legal acts, scientific articles in journals that are freely available in the RSCI, and expert opinion obtained during an expert survey. The use of methodical triangulation (content analysis, discourse analysis and semi-structured expert interviews) made it possible to highlight different aspects of the process of forming a macrosocial identity, making the research picture more voluminous and complete. The heuristic value of the results obtained through this triangulation was manifested in clarifying the structure of the macrosocial identity of the North Caucasian society and fixing the priority of ethnic and partially religious identities.

Results. It is substantiated that for studying the problems of constructing an all-Russian identity in the subjects of the federation that are part of the North Caucasus Federal District, the most optimal is the analytical model of identity proposed by M.V. Nazukina and includes three main levels of identity policy implementation on a regional scale: normative, narrative-mythological and symbolic. The current stage of the formation of macrosocial identity in the North Caucasus is characterized at all three levels by a certain priority of ethnic identity, which is enhanced by confessional identity.

Discussion and Сonclusion. Based on the results of scientific analysis, it was concluded that a relative balance has developed in the North Caucasus between the all-Russian and ethnic components of macrosocial identity with a partial predominance of ethno-confessional. Analytical material may be of interest to scientific teams studying the problems of humanitarian security in the North Caucasus; structures interested in strengthening ethnopolitical unity in the region on the basis of all-Russian values. The main results and conclusions of the work can be useful for the media, various cultural and educational institutions in organizing and conducting educational work among the population of the region, including youth.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):446-462
pages 446-462 views

Practices of Grassroots Civic Activity in the Yaroslavl Region: Problems and Results of Implementation

Sokolov A., Frolov A.


Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the increasing importance and complexity of horizontal public relations in socio-political processes, an increase in the number of practices of grassroots civic activity at the regional and local levels, including the use of new information and communication technologies. The purpose of the article is to identify the causes of initiation, the specifics of the organization and practical implementation of grassroots civic activity, as well as the specifics of the interaction of its key actors in modern socio-political conditions in the Yaroslavl region.

Materials and Methods. The empirical basis of the study is 21 practices of grassroots civic engagement in the Yaroslavl region, the analysis of which was carried out by the case-study method with elements of comparative analysis. The case-study method made it possible to study these practices of grassroots civic engagement in their complexity and integrity, and also identified their key characteristics and factors influencing them.

Results. A comparison of the main practices of grassroots civic engagement that have taken place in the Yaroslavl region in recent years has been made. The main mechanisms and subjects of grassroots civic engagement, processes of interaction between actors are identified. The role of information and communication technologies in the organization of grassroots civic engagement was determined. The problems of grassroots civic engagement organization and interaction of its key actors were also outlined.

Discussion and Сonclusion. The study revealed the key characteristics of grassroots civic activity: significant actors, theirs goals, motives, resources and methods of action, features of media coverage and the use of information and communication technologies. The results of the study will be useful for improving the efficiency of the work of local authorities with various formal and informal organizations and associations of citizens. They will help to build work with these groups, taking into account the identified features in the implementation of practices of grassroots civil initiatives in the Yaroslavl region.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):463-483
pages 463-483 views

Regional and Sectoral Economy

Spatial Estimation of Regional Economic Growth Heterogeneity During 2014‒2021

Doroshenko S., Vasilyeva R.


Introduction. The aggravation of socio-economic heterogeneity among Russian regions is one of the main challenges for sustainable development of the country. The main task of spatial policy is to ensure advanced rates of development of geostrategic and lagging behind territories as well as increasing competitiveness of regional economies.  However, the events of the past decade substantially adjusted plans on regional economic growth enhancement. The aim of the study is to estimate spatial economic growth heterogeneity and interdependence of bordering entities of Russia over 2013‒2021.

Materials and Methods. The main research method is Moran’s methodology for assessing local and global indices characterizing the inter-regional relation and A. Anselin’s approach for local indices of spatial autocorrelation and spatial clusters identification. The research uses regional data on real GRP per capita growth rates for 85 Russian regions for five annual intervals.

Results. The results confirmed that geopolitical tensions significantly enhance the regional economic growth heterogeneity. The most developed regions, including main hydrocarbon producers, are found being most exposed to external economic shocks, which reduced their spatial interrelation. Southern and eastern regions demonstrated an upward growth trend. The COVID-19 pandemic shaped the appearance of western and eastern clusters. Regional economies demonstrated the decreasing heterogeneity through enhancing the economic growth rates in the post-crises period. Coincidently, we document that economic development of the regions influences the growth in bordering entities.

Discussion and Conclusion. The research allows defining three stages of regional economic growth rates heterogeneity during 2013‒2021. The derived conclusions are recommended for actualizing state policy in reducing regional heterogeneity and strengthening the national economic space.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):484-503
pages 484-503 views

Development of Prospective Economic Specializations as a Condition for Regional Economic Growth

Leonidova E.


Introduction. In the new economic conditions caused by the sanctions pressure, the Russian economy needs new sources of growth. Economic specializations in Russian regions, which are understood as prospective sectoral priorities and types of economic activity, can act as a source of revitalizing economic dynamics revival. Geopolitical turbulence and the associated focus on the development of the domestic market have led to additional attention from researchers and experts to the study of the economic specializations of Russian subjects. The objective of this study is to substantiate the development of economic specializations in the regional economy, acting as a condition for its growth.

Materials and Methods. Using the materials of the Vologda Region, the export-oriented region of the Northwest, the list of economic specialization, the development of which is promising from the point of view of long-term economic growth, was formulated. The main sources of information are Rosstat data and input-output tables for the Vologda Region. The economic specializations for the region are primarily based on studies that focus on identifying and developing economic specialization in Russian regions. The use of input-output modeling methodology has allowed to determine the impact on the regional economy of extending the value chain in the timber industry due to increased domestic demand for wood products.

Results. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of industrial production in the Vologda Region, it was revealed that the Vologda Region is among the regions that have felt the impact of the sanctions. Вased on the approaches of the authors engaged in the search for promising economic specializations of the region, it is established that the timber industry and tourism can act as such. The results of the input-output modeling are shown that stimulating consumer demand for woodworking products has a significant impact on the growth of a region’s economy. This demand is driven by the needs of the tourism sector. The calculations were performed in determining the significance of promoting projects for the development of hotels utilizing CLT panel-based technologies in the region.

Discussion and Conclusion. In the study, it was determined that stimulating demand for the production of deep processing of wood (houses from CLT panels) would have a significant impact on the growth of the regional economy, ensuring an increase in the production of goods and services, the wage fund and the number of employed. It was also shown that the development of proposed economic specializations in the Vologda Region is promising and allows for the concentration of added value within the region, which is particularly important for the development of the domestic market. For the regional authorities, the interest lies in the possibility of obtaining a quantitative assessment of the development of economic specializations on their territory, which can be used by them in the improvement of economic policy.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):504-522
pages 504-522 views

Promising Directions of Economic Development of Rural Areas: The Case of the Republic of Crimea

Oborin M., Novikova N., Vinogradova E.


Introduction. Rural areas represent significant strategic potential for the socio-economic development of the country. In recent years, the role of the state in planning territorial development has increased significantly. This is due to successful experience in designing territorial and sectoral development in difficult periods of macroeconomic and geopolitical crises, financing and monitoring infrastructure projects that are important for the economy and society. The subject of the study are rural areas localized in the space of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which recently became part of the state – the Republic of Crimea. The purpose of the article is to substantiate promising directions for the economic development of rural areas of the Republic of Crimea based on the construction of a structural and sectoral profile.

Materials and Methods. The research materials were the scientific results of leading scientists studying the problems of the economy of rural areas, structural and sectoral transformations on a regional and municipal levels. The information base of the study was made up of official statistical data of Rosstat and Crimea, official websites of governmental bodies of the Russian Federation, and archival materials. The research was conducted using content analysis of scientific literature, retrospective and structural analysis.

Results. Structural and sectoral profiles of the economy of rural areas of the Republic of Crimea for 2017 and 2022 were  developed, which  allowed to prove the presence of processes of structural and sectoral changes, identify key factors and justify promising directions for further development. The authors prove that against the background of ongoing changes in the economic space of rural areas of Crimea, the dominance of agricultural production based on the use of unique natural factors, resources and conditions (climate, soil fertility, availability of centuries-old technologies for growing agricultural products, etc) remains.

Discussion and Conclusion. The decrease in the share of agricultural production in the sectoral structure of the economy of rural territories (municipalities) of the Republic of Crimea is the most significant for the period 2017–2022, which is primarily due to the following factors: strengthening of transport, logistics and recreational and resort functions of the region, development of other types of material production. Analysis of the structural and sectoral profile proves the sustainability of the development of rural municipalities of the Republic of Crimea, due to the focus on the needs of both visitors and local population. It is advisable to use the research results in the development of strategies, plans, projects for the socio-economic development of rural territories, municipalities and regions.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):523-542
pages 523-542 views

Social Structure, Social Institutes and Processes

Risks of “Social Legitimacy” of Corruption under Sanctions: Assessment of the Sentiments of the Regional Business Community

Chevtaeva N., Vatoropin A., Gushchin O., Vatoropin S.


Introduction. In the context of a large-scale sanctions regime, the intensification of anti-corruption work requires special attention among a number of adjustment measures related to structural changes in the economy and changes in supply logistics. Sanctions become a trigger for the emergence of new corrupt practices. The purpose of this article: using sociological analysis methods, to identify the “social legitimacy” (admissibility, acceptability) of corrupt behavior in the business community as a risk factor for the growth of corruption in unfavorable conditions of sanctions pressure.

Materials and Methods. The article is based on the results of a sociological study conducted by the authors using a questionnaire survey to assess the level of business corruption in 2021 pre-sanction and in 2022‒2023 sanction years for the Russian economy among the business community of the Sverdlovsk region (n = 500 annually). In order to compare regional trends with all-Russian ones, the results of sociological studies were used: “Business Barometer of Corruption in Russia” and “Consequences of the introduction of sanctions for Russian business.”

Results. Risks to the social legitimacy of corruption under sanctions have been identified: against the general background of a negative assessment of corruption by the business community, there has been an increase in the number of supporters of the position that corruption can help solve pressing business problems, as well as those who are neutral towards corrupt business practices; an increase in the desire of the business community to justify the use of corrupt behavior patterns with the usual “that’s the way it is in Russia” has been revealed. Another risk is the dissonance between values and behavior: “In general, corruption is bad, but in a crisis situation, in my daily practice, I can, even must, use corrupt schemes”.

Discussion and Conclusion. The life position of the business community, in which corruption is accepted as an inevitable norm of social interaction, turns out to be a barrier to anti-corruption work. The need to intensify sociological research to study the culture of everyday life in the Russian business community has been recorded. The results obtained can be used by government agencies, the chamber of commerce and industry; the union of small and medium-sized businesses, representatives of the business community to intensify anti-corruption work.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):543-562
pages 543-562 views

State and Possibilities of Strengthening the Labor Potential of Russia (Based on the All-Russian Population Census 2020)

Lipatova L., Gradusova V.


Introduction. The most complete information on the size and composition of the population is provided by continuous population censuses, which collect information necessary for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition of the population and the labor force. The purpose of the study is to identify changes in the numerical composition, age structure, and qualitative parameters of the labor potential of the Russian population in the period between the All-Russian population censuses of 2010 and 2020, and to outline ways to strengthen it.

Materials and Methods. The study was based on the results of the All-Russian Population Censuses of 2010 and 2020, current accounting data and forecast calculations of Rosstat, publications of scientists engaged in research in the field of economic demography. The analysis of changes in the demographic development of the Russian Federation in the intercensal period was carried out using the methods of dynamic and structural analysis, and the generalization of the results of published scientific research was made on the basis of critical analysis. Quantitative parameters of the labor potential were estimated on the basis of indicators of the population of working age, employed in the economy, unemployed citizens and potential labor force.

Results. The main changes in the number and composition of the Russian population by age and education that occurred during the inter-census period have been established. The quantitative and qualitative parameters of the labor force are determined. The outstripping growth of the level of education of unemployed citizens and potential labor force in comparison with those employed in the economy has been revealed, which, with a high degree of depreciation of the active part of fixed assets and a large part of workplaces with harmful and dangerous working conditions, suggests the archaic nature of the Russian economy and the general discrepancy between its requests and the level of education of the population. Calculations have shown that due to the involvement of potential labor in public production, it will not be possible to solve the problem of labor shortage.

Discussion and Conclusion. In order to provide the Russian economy with the necessary labor force, it is suggested to consider the following options for increasing the working time fund: temporary increase in the retirement age for women, temporary decrease in the number of holidays, temporary decrease in the duration of paid leave, temporary increase in the length of the working week. The results of the research can be useful for scientists and representatives of public authorities dealing with demographic development, strategic planning, regional development, migration regulation, as well as for specialists in the field of personnel training.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):563-583
pages 563-583 views

Levels of Social Participation among Silver-Age Citizens and Factors of its Activation in the Region of Russia (Case of the Sverdlovsk Region)

Pevnaya M., Shuklina E., Kienko T.


Introduction. The quality of life of silver-age people is associated not only with psychological, economic and physical well-being, but also with the peculiarities of interpersonal relations and the diversity of their social activity. The widespread ideology of active or “delayed aging” actualizes the study of the nature of inclusion of elderly citizens in various practices of social participation that fill their daily lives. The aim of the study is to reveal the level characteristics of social participation of citizens of silver age in the Sverdlovsk Oblast and the factors that determine them.

Materials and Methods. The article analyses the data from the survey of residents of the Sverdlovsk Region over the age of 60, the sample is structured by gender, age, and place of residence of the respondents (type of settlement). The authors’ survey method was used to determine the nature and frequency, level and type of social participation of the Urals elderly, to identify factors that contribute to or impede activity in old age.

Results. The study showed that socio-consumer participation characterized by activities “for oneself” and collective participation aimed at social integration “together with others” constitute the main content of social participation of the studied cohort. The participation of the elderly in the practices aimed at helping and caring (“for others”) is significantly lower, and a radical decrease in the activity of the elderly Urals residents is revealed when they switch to “civic participation”. It has been proved that the intensity of social participation of silver-age citizens living in cities is higher than in rural areas. The only exception is participation in civic activities. The same influence on the intensity of the different practices of social participation at all levels is exerted by the status of residence (independent or in a residential institution), the presence of close relatives and the frequency of Internet use.

Discussion and Conclusion. The identification of the levels and factors of social participation of older citizens creates an evidence base on the processes of active aging in a typical Russian region. The results of the study demonstrate the relevance of focusing regional social policy on aging and the non-profit sector on increasing the social participation of people and groups of the “silver” age. The article may be of interest to regional authorities, social protection and service institutions, the regional non-profit sector, offering tools for the development and implementation of effective social aging policies aimed at implementing resources and supporting the social participation of the older generation.

Russian journal of regional studies. 2024;32(3):584-601
pages 584-601 views

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