
Consensus of experts of the Russian federation gerontologists and geriatricians «Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients of elderly and senile age»
Tkacheva O., Kotovskaya Y., Naumov A., Babak S., Runikhina N., Rozanov A., Babenko I., Khovasova N., Tokareva L.
Comorbid pathology and role of diabetes mellitus in patients with gastrointestinal bleedings: the experience of one hospital
Kozlova A., Komissarova K., Lapochkina N., Ovchinnikov S., Anosov V.
Gastrointestinal lesions in COVID-19
Belova G.
Possibilities of a patient-centered approach for older age group of patients with cardiovascular comorbidity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
Verushkina A., Efremova E., Shutov A., Serov V., Rebrovskaya M.
Influence of comorbid pathology at the course of spondyloarthritis in patients receiving genetically engineered biological therapy
Samigullina R., Vasilenko E., Mazurov V.
Experience of a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of comorbid pathology patient
Vladimirova N., Myasnikova E., Shunaev V., Komleva G., Pikunova I., Peredelkina A.
Insomnia as a comorbid disorder
Golovatyuk A., Kochetkov A., Остроумова T., Ostroumova O., Poluektov M.
Peculiarities of acute gouty arthritis treatment in patients with concomitant pathology. Part 2: management of patients with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, renal, liver diseases, pregnancy, also having anticoagulant therapy and patients in perioperative period
Lyalina V., Skripnichenko E., Borisovskaya S., Obyedkov R., Nikitin I.
Clinical-functional and molecular-genetic peculiarities of patients with chronic heart failure
Zimina Y., Gerasimenko O., Voronina E., Tolmacheva A.
Peculiarities of acute gouty arthritis treatment in patients with concomitant pathology. Part 1: main limitations and adverse effects of medicamentous therapy
Lyalina V., Skripnichenko E., Borisovskaya S., Obyedkov R., Nikitin I.
Irritable bowel syndrome in new clinical practice
Maev I., Osadchuk M., Osadchuk A.
Peculiarities of the course of rheumatoid arthritis in patients with thrombocytosis and comorbid conditions
Mazurov V., Melnikov E., Morozova K., Evgrafova V.
Additional diagnostic markers of comorbid version of vibration disease combined with arterial hypertension
Gorbunova A., Gerasimenko O., Shpagin I., Belyaeva T., Tolmacheva A., Maksimov V.
Dependence of cognitive profile of multimorbid elderly patients with hypertension from charlson comorbidity index
Ostroumova O., Dzamikhov K., Kochetkov A., Ostroumova T., Shastina V., Lyakhova M.
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