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Vol 9, No 8 (2023)

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Correction of electrical instability of the myocardium at recurrent tonsillitis

Zorkina A.V., Sipyagina M.K., Zorkin M.V., Skopina Y.A.


A number of studies have clearly demonstrated an increase in the effectiveness of therapy for a number of infectious diseases with the additional use of antioxidants as part of complex therapy.

The objective of the work is to assess the parameters of bioelectrical activity of the myocardium in patients with recurrent tonsillitis against the background of the introduction of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate into complex therapy.

Material and methods. All patients were undergoing inpatient treatment in the infectious diseases hospital. ECG was recorded upon admission and discharge of patients. Patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 received standard basic therapy, group 2 was additionally prescribed ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate 5% 4,0 ml IV drip No. 5. The average, minimum, maximum duration of the P wave, PQ, QT intervals were assessed. The duration of QT, corrected by heart rate (QTc), dispersion of indicators DР, DРQ, DQT, DQTс were calculated. The results obtained were assessed depending on the preserved or reduced ejection fraction (EF) according to echocardioscopy.

Results and conclusion. Upon admission, the indicators QTc, DP, DPQ, DQT, DQTc exceeded those of healthy volunteers. By the time of discharge, in patients of group 1, the studied indicators remained at the same high level (with EF <55%) or even significantly increased (with EF >55%), despite the treatment. This proved the preservation of arrhythmogenic readiness of the myocardium. In patients of group 2, there was a decrease in indicators and achievement of the level of healthy volunteers, including patients with an initially reduced ejection fraction.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):8-13
pages 8-13 views

Correction of risk factors in patients with atrial fibrillation

Prekina V.I., Kunyaeva T.A., Shokina S.V., Samolkina O.G., Skopina Y.A.


Identification and control of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) is an actual problem.

The aim: to study the prevalence of risk factors and comorbid conditions in AF patients and to perform the analysis of the control of arterial hypertension (AH) and lipid spectrum indexes in these patients.

Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of medical records of 140 patients with AF (57 male and 83 female patients) receiving medical care in outpatient conditions was carried out. Average age of the patients was 68,26±1,01 (46–84) years old. Risk factors and comorbid conditions were identified in examined persons, and the quality of hypertension and dyslipidemia control was assessed in terms of achieving target levels of blood pressure and plasma lipids depending on the cardiovascular risk (CVR) degree.

Results. The most common risk factors for AF development in the studied patients were hypertension (93%) and dyslipidemia (75%). In 55,38% of cases, hypertension was uncontrolled due to the use of suboptimal doses and insufficient amounts of antihypertensive drugs. 96,43% were categorized as high or very high CVR degree. The majority of patients in this group (92.59%) received statins, but the target LDL cholesterol level was achieved only in 4,44% of cases. The main reasons for poor lipid control were low-dose statins use and use of monotherapy.

Conclusion. Optimization of antihypertensive and lipid-lowering therapy is an important reserve in improving the prognosis of patients with AF.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Analysis of preventive therapy in patients after recanalization of the femoral artery

Stolyarova V.V., Shokina S.V., Skopina Y.A., Kunyaeva T.A., Suraeva E.V., Shabanov I.G., Zorkin M.V.


In modern clinical practice, the analysis of preventive therapy after recanalization of the femoral artery in patients with lower extremity arterial diseases (LEAD) caused by atherosclerotic lesions seems to be a pressing issue.

Objective: dynamic assessment of results after recanalization of the femoral artery and preventive therapy in patients with LEAD.

Material and methods. Long-term results of recanalization, risk factors, and adherence to an individual approach were studied in 30 patients after 3, 6 and 9 months.

Results. Most patients with LEAD have comorbid pathology and a combination of several risk factors (smoking, arterial hypertension, excess body weight, increased LDL levels). In 80% of patients with LEAD over 9 months of observation, there was no deterioration in the clinical picture achieved after revascularization. There was low adherence to preventive treatment, which decreased with increasing time after discharge from hospital. An important reason for non-compliance with recommendations is low patient awareness of the need for preventive therapy and the significance of risk factors for the prognosis of the disease.

Conclusion. There is significant unrealized potential in the treatment of patients with LEAD to improve outcomes after revascularization. There is a need to more strictly monitor the implementation of recommendations for secondary prevention of the disease and to increase patient awareness of the importance of smoking, excess body weight, achieving the target level of blood pressure and lipid spectrum indicators on the course and prognosis of the disease.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):20-27
pages 20-27 views

Indexes of left ventricle contractive function in persons after acute coronary event, depending on the presence of diabetes mellitus and sodium-glucose transporter inhibitors type 2 use

Nevzorova V.A., Semenova P.A., Zakharchuk N.V., Ivina A.V.


Various studies have provided unquestionable evidence of a close interaction between cardiovascular events and diabetes mellitus (DM).

The aim: to evaluate the condition of left ventricle (LV) function and NTproBNP level in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) on the first day of hospitalization and after 6 months of observation, depending on the presence of diabetes and the options of therapy that was used.

Material and methods. The study involved 100 patients aged from 35 to 65 years, hospitalized in the RVC of Vladivostok clinical hospital No. 1 with ACS diagnosis. For all of them laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods for ACS, including ECG, echocardiography, and invasive coronary angiography were performed. Also, in the first hours of admission to the hospital, the marker of myocardial damage (TRI) and the marker for assessing the functional state of the contractile potential of the heart muscle (NT-proBNP) were assessed. At a follow-up visit after 6 months, patients underwent echocardiography and the content of NT-proBNP in blood serum was examined.

Results. A close inverse correlation was revealed between LVEF and the level of NTproBNP: 6 months after the ACS development, with an increase in LVEF by 1%, a decrease in NTproBNP by 45,9 ng/l in patients is predicted (ρ=0,4, p=0,002). An increase in LVEF occurred in all patients with ACS history, but this change was mostly observed in patients with STEMI having diabetes and LVEF <40%. Following to recommended complex therapy including sodium-glucose transporter type 2 inhibitors contributed to an increase in LVEF in all patients who had myocardial infarction (MI): after 6 months of observation, there were no patients with reduced LVEF among the persons from study group, in presence of an increase in the number of patients with intermediate and preserved LVEF.

Conclusion. Patients with MI and a recent history of diabetes had the most statistically significant decrease in LVEF and increase in NTproBNP. After 6 months of observation, while taking the prescribed therapy, a positive effect was observed in the form of an increase in LVEF in patients with STEMI and diabetes, with NSTEMI and diabetes, and also in patients with NSTEMI without diabetes.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):28-36
pages 28-36 views

Treatment of comorbid patients over 80 years old: focus at arterial hypertension (analysis of real clinical practice)

Safronenko V.A., Chesnikova A.I.


The presence of senile asthenia syndrome (SAS) and chronic heart failure (CHF) in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) makes adjustments to the tactics of antihypertensive therapy (AHT).

The aim: estimation of the efficacy of AH outpatient treatment in elderly patients depending on CHF and SAS presence.

Material and methods. 320 patients with arterial hypertension over 80 years of age were divided into 4 groups taking into account CHF and SAS presence: 1A – a group with AH, SAS and CHF (n=84); 1B – with AH and SAS without CHF (n=84); 2A – with hypertension and CHF without SAS (n=77); 2B – with AH without CHF and without SAS (n=75). The target level of systolic blood pressure (SBP) in patients with senile asthenia is 140–150 mmHg.

Results. Patients in group 1A were more likely to have no AHT and AH monotherapy (ACE inhibitors), as well as less frequent use of triple therapy. In «strong» patients (i.e., without SAS), combination therapy was more often used to treat hypertension. Thus, in group 2B, comparatively with 2A group, the frequency of two-component therapy was higher, and when compared with group 1B, not only two-, but also three-component therapy was registered in a higher percentage of cases. In the presence of SAS in patients with hypertension, the risk of hospitalization increased by 3.57 (p=0,0002), with CHF – by 4,39 (p <0,0001), and with a combination of CHF and SAS – by 7,26 times (p <0,0001).

Conclusion. The presence of CHF and SAS worsens the AHT efficacy in hypertensive patients over 80 years old, leading to a more frequent development of orthostatic hypotension and hospitalizations due to cardiovascular events.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):38-46
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Influence of vascular remodelling and reduced heart rate variability at indapamide efficacy in patients with arterial hypertension

Iskenderov B.G., Lokhina T.V., Mozhzhukhina I.N., Berenshtein N.V., Zaitseva A.V.


Till nowadays, the correlation between autonomic regulation of heart and the severity of essential arterial hypertension (AH) in patients receiving long-term antihypertensive therapy has not been sufficiently studied.

The aim: to evaluate the efficacy of indapamide retard depending on the presence of vascular remodelling and heart rate variability (HRV) in case of uncomplicated essential hypertension clinical course.

Material and methods. 75 patients (43 males and 32 females) aged from 48 to 60 years (average age 56,3±6,4 years) with I–II stage of arterial hypertension were examined. Doppler echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound examination of the brachial artery (BA), 24-hour blood pressure (BP) monitoring and Holter ECG monitoring were performed. The dynamics of BA wall remodeling indicators, endothelium-dependent vasodilation (EDVD) and heart rate variability (HRV) were estimated before and after 6 months of monotherapy with indapamide retard 1,5 mg/day. The patients were divided into two groups: 30 persons without signs of structural and functional remodelling of BA (group 1) and 45 with hypertrophy of BA wall and/or endothelial dysfunction (group 2).

Results. It was found that the initial HRV indicators, characterizing sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity, were significantly different in the compared groups. Indapamide retard at a dose of 1,5 mg/day had a fairly high and comparable antihypertensive effect in both groups, however, in group 2 during therapy there was a significant decrease in the thickness of the intima-media complex by an average of 12,8% (p=0,013) and, conversely, an increase in endothelium-dependent vasodilation by an average of 25,4% (p <0,001). As a result, specific peripheral vascular resistance decreased by an average of 17,1% (p=0,002). In both groups, patients with left ventricular hypertrophy showed a significant decrease in the left ventricular myocardial mass index: in group 1 – by an average of 10,4% (p=0,021), in group 2 – by 13,4% (p=0,007). Changes of HRV indexes during indapamide retard therapy in both groups were statistically insignificant, although they tended to improve the vagosympathetic balance. A direct correlation between standard deviation of R–R intervals (SDNN) and EDVD index (r=0,34; p=0,007) was fixed.

Conclusion. It has been shown that the intensity of vasoprotective effect of indapamide retard correlates with the severity of vascular remodelling and/or endothelial dysfunction in patients with essential hypertension, which also manifests itself in the absence of autonomic sympathetic hyperactivity.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):47-56
pages 47-56 views


Modern aspects of the use of acetylsalicylic acid in pregnant women

Chulkov V.S., Nikolenko E.S., Chulkov V.S., Okonenko T.I., Zhmaylova S.V.


Low doses of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) are widely used to prevent preeclampsia and associated pregnancy complications. A common mechanism underlying these pregnancy complications is uteroplacental insufficiency. Since preeclampsia increases both morbidity and mortality, primary prevention is the main goal of optimizing both short-term and long-term health of mother and child. Secondary prevention in women with previous hypertensive disorders during pregnancy is also justified due to the increased risk of relapse during the next pregnancy. Despite the fact that the mechanism of influence of ASA is not definitively known, it is believed that it improves placentation due to its antithrombotic and vasodilating action, as well as restoring the imbalance of thromboxane and prostacyclin in endothelial cells. This review systematizes modern studies devoted to the study of the effect of ASA on the prevention of pregnancy complications from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):57-64
pages 57-64 views

Modern aspects of use of tirzepatide – the first dual agonist of glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucosependent insulinotropic peptide receptors

Usanova A.A., Lavrenova E.A., Kunyaeva T.A., Kuzma F., Novikova E.K., Sergutova N.P., Chatkina T.A.


There is currently a need for new effective treatments for type 2 diabetes mellitus that provide adequate glycemic control, resolve associated metabolic abnormalities, and let to achieve enable more ambitious weight loss goals within individualized treatment plans. Tirzepatide, the first and still only one dual agonist of glucagon-like peptide-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide receptors, is highly effective both in terms of glycemic control and in reducing body weight by more than 20% of the original one, as well as a positive effect on lipid metabolism and sensitivity to insulin. The medicine was approved for use in May 2022, starting the era of «twincretins» – extremely effective remedies for type 2 diabetes and obesity treatment, as well as for advanced cardiometabolic risk management. Article presents the key characteristics of tirzepatide based on data obtained in the SURPASS 1–5 and SURMOUNT-1 studies, and also briefly discusses further vectors for the development of this class of drugs.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):65-74
pages 65-74 views

Gastropathy associated with antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy: prevalence and risk factors

Golendyaeva P.I., Livzan M.A., Gaus O.V., Korennova O.Y., Mozgovoy S.I.


Improving of modern technologies for curation of patients with cardiovascular pathology, in particular use of antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants and their combinations, has made it possible to achieve a significant increase in life expectancy of the population. However, along with positive trends, taking antithrombotic and anticoagulant drugs is associated with an increased risk of damage of upper digestive tract mucous membrane, including formation of erosive and ulcerative defects and bleeding. Current review was prepared to systematize data on risk factors for the development of drug-induced gastropathy associated with use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, about its main manifestations, including clinical, endoscopic and histological stigmas.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):75-83
pages 75-83 views

Gut microbiome modulation and cardiovascular risks: mechanisms of formation and correction

Livzan M.A., Bikbavova G.R., Safiulina T.A., Loginova E.N.


Over the past few decades, cardiovascular diseases have been recognized as the leading cause of death in the world. Studies demonstrate the connection of gut microbiota and its metabolites with the development of cardiovascular pathology, and some of them indicate a high probability that an altered gut microbiome acts as an additional cardiovascular risk factor. The purpose of current review is to analyze the scientific literature concerning the role of intestinal microbiota in pathogenesis of coronary arteries atherosclerosis, its effect at lipid metabolism, peculiarities of the «atherogenic microbiome» and the possibilities of its correction. A search of literature was made in the PubMed and Google Scholar systems through full-text articles published in Russian and English up to August 2023, using key words «atherosclerosis», «intestinal microbiota», «cardiovascular diseases», «treatment», «correction».

Therapy. 2023;9(8):84-91
pages 84-91 views

Hyperammoniemia: new aspects of etiopathogenesis

Pan A.A., Zaykova-Khelimskaya I.V., Alexeenko S.A.


Current review presents the data of numerous studies on hyperammonemia (HA) performed over the past few years. As practice shows, the use of medicamentous therapy aimed at reducing elevated levels of ammonia in human organism, as well as relieving HA clinical manifestations, such as asthenia, fatigue, and hepatic encephalopathy, is becoming increasingly important. L-ornithine-L-aspartate currently plays a leading role in the treatment of this pathology. At the same time, active searches for new effective methods for treating HA are continuing.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):92-96
pages 92-96 views


Experience of a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of comorbid pathology patient

Vladimirova N.N., Myasnikova E.V., Shunaev V.M., Komleva G.A., Pikunova I.N., Peredelkina A.I.


Currently, due to the increasing life expectancy of the population and the aging of the population, an increase in the number of comorbid patients with ≥2 pathologies is observed in clinical practice. The presence of mutually aggravating diseases, chronic clinical course and specific manifestations of most of them complicate making diagnosis, adjusting further tactics for patient’s management and drug therapy selection. Article presents the history of the disease of an 88-year-old female patient who was urgently hospitalized with clinical manifestations of gastric bleeding from a newly diagnosed acute ulcer, development of severe posthemorrhagic anemia, complicated by acute anterior widespread myocardial infarction (type 2 according to ESC). The severity of her condition was aggravated by the long course of type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic polyneuropathy, angiopathy, and nephropathy. The complexity of diagnostic search, multidisciplinary approach to the management of a comorbid patient, teamwork of highly specialized specialists with the formation of a common opinion, as well as the development of treatment tactics with careful compliance to the requirements of rational pharmacotherapy are described.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):98-106
pages 98-106 views

Hyposphagma as a manifestation of nutritional severe vitamin B12 deficiency anemia

Chulkov V.S., Okonenko T.I., Rumyantsev E.E., Zhmaylova S.V.


Vegetarianism and veganism are very popular, and although these diets may be associated with certain health benefits, the low bioavailability of some micronutrients in plant foods can lead to the risk of their deficiency in the body, which makes it necessary to adequately plan such diets. Vitamin B12 is absorbed by humans exclusively from food of animal origin; therefore, vegans as well as anyone who significantly limits the consumption of animal products need vitamin complexes enriched with vitamin B12. This article discusses a clinical case of severe nutritional B12 deficiency anemia in a young patient at risk (a vegan) with rare hemorrhagic manifestation as hyposphagma (subconjunctival hemorrhage).

Therapy. 2023;9(8):107-111
pages 107-111 views


Modern approaches to colorectal cancer screening and prevention

Bakulin I.G., Zharkov A.V., Serkova M.Y., Zhuravleva M.S.


About 2/3 of identified colorectal cancer (CRC) clinical cases in Russia occur in patients with stages III and IV of the disease, which leads to high mortality during the first year after diagnosis verification. Tendency towards an increase in morbidity in persons under 50 years of age determines the necessity of improving methods for timely CRC diagnosis, training medical staff in organizing screening examinations with identification of target groups of patients, and also the necessity of performing work concerning increase of awareness and motivation for population to undergo CRC screening. It is recommended to perform a two-stage screening - estimation of occult blood in the patient’s stool samples by immunochemical method, followed by endoscopic examination in case of a positive result. Screening test must be non-invasive, safe, easily accessible, convenient and inexpensive, and have high sensitivity and specificity. It should be remembered that CRC runs asymptomatically for a long time, and its late diagnosis is associated with the risk of an unfavorable outcome of the disease.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):112-119
pages 112-119 views


Historical aspects of the protest anti-vaccination movement and possible ways to overcome it

Osadchuk A.M., Loranskaya I.D., Osadchuk M.A.


A serious problem in infectious diseases combating is the anti-vaccination movement. Especially important that becomes during periods of a pandemic, including COVID-19 one, when the prospects for its ending are closely connected with wide coverage of population by vaccination. Anti-vaccination movement is often caused by a decreased sense of danger among the population towards those infectious diseases that have become less common, and also by a lack of proper understanding of the fact that the reduction in infectious morbidity takes place largely due to vaccination, as, for example, in the cases of measles, diphtheria or poliomyelitis. Reluctance to get vaccinated may be caused by fear of possible side effects of vaccines and the negative role of some media personalities and bloggers who create anti-advertising for vaccinations. Work with the population by specialists in various fields with the support of government authorities, aimed at increasing medical literacy, can help to overcome the anti-vaccination movement and increase vaccination coverage among the population.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):120-127
pages 120-127 views

Consensus of experts of the Russian federation gerontologists and geriatricians «Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients of elderly and senile age»

Tkacheva O.N., Kotovskaya Y.V., Naumov A.V., Babak S.L., Runikhina N.K., Rozanov A.V., Babenko I.V., Khovasova N.O., Tokareva L.G.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has a high prevalence in the population (about 11,7%) and is also associated with high mortality, especially among patients over 75 years of age. At the same time, this disease can be prevented and its course effectively controlled. Presented consensus highlights the most important and controversial aspects of the management of elderly patients with COPD – peculiarities of the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of the disease in this age group of patients.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):128-139
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Treatment of cough: a new reality


On September 30, 2023, a launch symposium of the Glenmark company was held in Moscow, dedicated to current issues in cough therapy. A separate thread of discussion at the event was the effectiveness and safety of the new drug combination ambroxol + guaifenesin + levosalbutamol in the treatment of acute bronchitis and productive cough.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):140-143
pages 140-143 views


Antithrombotic therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus

Rogozhkina E.A., Ivanova A.A., Novikov M.Y., Drogashevskaya N.V., Samatova K.S., Bogodistaya V.V.


Diabetes mellitus prevalence is increasing worldwide, followed by growing mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Antithrombotic therapy is a key component of pharmacological cardiovascular prevention for patients with diabetes. Patients with diabetes have enhanced thrombotic risk, attributed to chronic inflammation and hypercoagulable status. The aim of this review is to discuss current antithrombotic approaches in diabetes according to the latest guidelines and studies.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Use of Canephron® N for symptoms of acute cystitis in female patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus taking sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors

Malyavin A.G., Gubernatorova E.E., Babak S.L.


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with an increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) developing.

The aim: to evaluate the effect of Canephron® N medicine at dysuric symptoms severity, probability of refusing from sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitors (SGLT-2 inhibitors) therapy and life quality of female patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) taking drugs of this class and having symptoms of dysuria.

Material and methods. The study included 40 female patients with symptoms of cystitis having >6 points on the questionnaire scale (ACSS) in addition to type 2 diabetes and taking SGLT-2. In the main group (n=20), in addition to standard therapy, patients received Canephron® N for 1 month, 2 tablets 3 times a day. In the comparison group (n=20), participants of yhe study received standard treatment for cystitis. At the 1st (day 0), 2nd (day 30), and 3rd (day 90) visits, common urine analysis and the ACSS questionnaire completing were performed. At the 1st and 3rd visits, the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire was completed and the level of glycated hemoglobin was examined.

Results. In comparison group, 3 (15%) patients stopped taking SGLT-2 inhibitors because they associated dysuria with these drugs intake. In the main group there was no refusal to continue using SGLT-2. There were recorded no adverse events in both groups. In the main group and the comparison group, a statistically significant decrease in the ACSS score was revealed at the 2nd and 3rd visits (p=0,006 and p <0,001, respectively). At the 3rd visit, a statistically significant decrease in leukocyturia was found in the main group (p=0,020). Also in the main group there was a statistically significant increase in the score of physical functioning due to physical condition (p=0,009), vital activity (p=0,036) and level of social functioning (p=0,044).

Conclusion. The data of the study confirm the reasonability of adding Canephron® N medicine to the treatment regimens of female patients with acute cystitis symptoms in addition to type 2 diabetes mellitus, taking SGLT-2. One can note a decrease in clinical symptoms, leukocyturia and an improvement in the life quality of patients during therapy with Canephron® N and a decrease of the probability of refusing from SGLT-2 drugs therapy.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):152-161
pages 152-161 views

More on the neuroprotectory therapy evidential base: focus at ethylmethyl hydroxypyridine succinate

Kochetkov A.I., Shatalova N.A., Klepikova M.V., Filippova T.V., Ostroumova O.D.


Chronic cerebral ischemia (CCI) is one of the most common neurological pathologies. Its development is influenced by many factors, among which arterial hypertension (AH) occupies a special place. CCI contributes to cognitive impairments manifestation, negatively affects life quality of patients and leads to motor and psychoemotional disorders. In terms of the treatment of this condition, an important role belongs to neuroprotectors and, in particular, to the use of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (drug Mexidol®, Pharmasoft LLC, Russia), which has a multimodal effect and has confirmed its high efficacy in a large number of clinical studies. Evidentiary basis of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, obtained also in the MEMO study, indicates a particularly high efficacy of that medicine among CCI patients with hypertension: in them Mexidol® significantly improves cognitive functions, reduces the level of anxiety and asthenia and improves the quality of life. Taking this into account, this drug can be recommended for use in complex therapy of CCI, especially in patients with arterial hypertension.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):162-172
pages 162-172 views

Fixed combination of levocetirizine and montelukast in the treatment of allergic rhinitis

Bolieva L.Z., Moulid A., Basieva A.T.


The main goals of allergic rhinitis (AR) therapy are to relief symptoms, achieve and maintain control, reduce the risk of complications and improve the quality of life. AR treatment requires complex approach. When choosing pharmacotherapy, the severity of the disease, the main symptoms and their severity, individual social and psychological characteristics and preferences of the patient, concomitant pathology are taken into account. The key role of histamine and cysteine leukotrienes in the pathogenesis of AR determines the widespread use of blockers of H1-histamine receptors and leukotriene receptor antagonists in the treatment of this pathology. As levocetirizine is an effective second-generation H1-blocker, montelukast is the main representative of the class of leukotriene receptor antagonists, the use of a fixed combination of levocetirizine and montelukast seems to be a rational strategy for the treatment of AR in terms of increasing its effectiveness and patient compliance.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):173-178
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Vladimir Petrovich Terentyev: 02.04.1946 – 24.10.2023


24 октября 2023 г. в возрасте 77 лет после долгой борьбы с тяжелым хроническим заболеванием ушел из жизни доктор медицинских наук, профессор, профессор кафедры внутренних болезней № 1 Ростовского государственного медицинского университета, заслуженный врач РФ, полномочный представитель РНМОТ в ЮФО Владимир Петрович Терентьев.

Therapy. 2023;9(8):185-185
pages 185-185 views

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