Efficacy and safety of ebastine use in patients having chronic spontaneous urticaria

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Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is the most common form of chronic urticaria, which represents an actual medical and social problem. The first-line drugs in the treatment of CSU patients are 2nd generation H1-antihistamines.

The aim: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the 2nd generation of H1-antihistamine drug ebastine in CSU patients.

Material and methods. An open, prospective, monocentric, uncontrolled study of the efficacy and safety of using ebastine in the form of film-coated tablets containing 20 mg of active substance (drug Allergostin, “Scientific and Technological Pharmaceutical Company POLYSAN” LLC, Russia) was performed in patients with CSU. The study included 44 patients (mean age 37.2 ± 14.2 years) with a diagnosis of CSU made in accordance with current clinical guidelines. The study medicine was prescribed 1 tablet orally once a day for 14 days. Efficacy was assessed by the dynamics of the main clinical features of chronic urticaria according to the UAS 7 scale and indicators of urticaria symptoms control in accordance with UCT test, as well as by changes in the subjective condition of patient according to DQLI life quality questionnaire of patients with dermatological diseases. Safety was assessed by recording adverse events (AEs). The duration of the study was 14 days.

Results. The use of ebastine led to a statistically significant reduction in the total score of the number of urticarial rashes and intensity of itching by UAS 7 scale, achieving disease control and improving life quality of patients. AEs identified in 18.2% of patients were mild in severity.

Conclusion. The results of the study proved that ebastine in the form of film-coated tablets containing 20 mg of active substance has clinically significant efficacy and safety in the treatment of CSU in adult patients.

About the authors

Laura Z. Bolieva

North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Author for correspondence.
Email: bolievalz@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3763-8994

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor, head of the Department of Pharmacology with Clinical Pharmacology

Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz

Miroslava B. Tseboeva

Diamed LLC

Email: miradzuceva@rambler.ru

MD, PhD (Medicine), associate professor, dermatovenereologist

Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz


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