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The author describes the complex of Dimedrol-induced morphofunctional changes in the internal organs in animal models that possesses a diagnostic potential in forensic cases of fatal poisoning with this drug.

Aim. Studying and specification of the complex morphofunctional pathology of the internal organs in animal models under oral administration of toxic doses of Dimedrol, with the perspective of improving accuracy of forensic diagnosis of antihistamine poisoning with clinical data.

Materials and methods. Studies were conducted on white mongrel rats of both sexes and 180–220 g weight. Poisoning was modelled with pharmacopoeial Dimedrol containing 99.9 % of the active substance.

Results. Morphofunctional criteria are proposed for the differential diagnosis of antihistamine poisoning on the basis of characteristic changes in the microcirculatory bed and histological structure of the internal organs in experimental animals. Putative recommendations are formulated in the forensic diagnosis of death caused by antihistamine poisoning.

Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that the general toxic effect is complemented by pronounced vascular lesions in the genesis of death in cases of antihistamine poisoning at high doses of the administered drug. 

About the authors

E. A. Porsukov

Dagestan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3034-3931

Cand. Sci. (Med.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Forensic Medicine, 


Russian Federation


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