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The paper presents the point of view of an endocrinologist to causes of death in patients with most prevalent endocrine disorders, such as thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus and obesity. The author critically analyzes the trends of the last years in the principles of registration of causes of death in diabetes mellitus, emphasizing the need to differentiate between “associated diseases” and “etiologically related diseases”.

About the authors

E. G. Starostina

ГБУЗ МО МОНИКИ им. М.Ф. Владимирского, Москва

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3328-2812

д.м.н., профессор кафедры эндокринологии факультета усовершенствования врачей 

SPIN-код: 6977-0793


Russian Federation


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