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The analysis of morphological studies of the brain in 33 cases of acute poisoning with opiates in 20 cases of stroke at a young age with a fatal outcome. In the first group drug encephalitis was detected in 23.0% of the observed cases. Studies suggest that, along with morphological signs of encephalopathy (ischemia neuronal proliferation of ependymal cells of the ventricles of the brain, perivascular and pericellular edema, etc.) take place with the formation of neuronophagia microglial nodules at the site of nerve cells lysed. There was a special kind of encephalitis in chronic addiction — ventriculitis histologically manifested plethora subependimarnyh vessels ependymal destruction, infiltration of the ventricular wall and the vascular plexus polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In forensic practice there is a need to differentiate drugs ventriculitis with secondary changes in the ventricles of the brain, which are often accompanied by encephalopathy. When forensic histological examination identified some morphological differences opium encephalitis and focal brain lesions, including vascular origin. Also found that in chronic opiate poisoning characterized by morphological changes in the brain that are not a manifestation of sepsis and associated with primary infection of the brain and can be attached to the drug encephalopathy. Particular attention is paid to specific features, informative for determining the pathological changes of the internal elastic membrane of brain vessels. Identify options tanatogenesis encephalitis drugs, including bacterial, viral and fungal etiology, cerebrovascular disease, and demyelinating diseases.

About the authors

I. Y. Gomonova

ФГБУ «Российский центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы» Минздрава России

Author for correspondence.


125284, г. Москва, ул. Поликарпова, д. 12

Russian Federation

D. V. Bogomolov

ФГБУ «Российский центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы» Минздрава России

главный научный сотрудник Russian Federation

B. N. Kulbitskiy

ФГБУ «Российский центр судебно-медицинской экспертизы» Минздрава России

врач-патологоанатом, член АСМЭ Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Gomonova I.Y., Bogomolov D.V., Kulbitskiy B.N.

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