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The Editorial Board notifies the reviewer that the submitted manuscripts are the private property of the authors and belong to the information not being the subject to disclosure.

Reviewers and members of the Editorial Board must respect the copyright, not to enter into public discussion of the submitted work and not to Express their ideas before the manuscript is published.

Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of manuscripts for their own needs and it is forbidden to give part of the manuscript for review to another person without the permission of the Editor-in-Chief.

The editors do not keep copies of manuscripts not accepted for publication.

The following should be noted in the review:

  • Compliance of the manuscript text with grammatical norms;
  • Compliance of the use of terms and concepts with grammatical norms;
  • Correspondence of the title to the content of the manuscript;
  • Correspondence of abstracts to the content of the manuscript;
  • Does the introduction reflect the state of the problem?
  • Adequacy of methods to the tasks;
  • Conformity of the presentation of the results with the requirements of the ICMJE;
  • Whether the results contain new information, or repeat known data;
  • Are the illustrations (figures, tables) sufficient?
  • Whether the discussion is consistent with the goals, objectives and results, or requires expansion with additional bibliographic sources;
  • Compliance of references in the text with the requirements;
  • Compliance of the list of references with the requirements

