Features of the Mechanism of Committing Crimes Related to the Unknown Disappearance of Minors




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On the basis of the study materials of criminal cases concerning the unknown disappearance of minors, the types of crimes committed under these circumstances are systematized, information about persons committing such crimes is provided, and the mechanism of committing crimes against minors and the motives for which they are usually committed are outlined.


Alla Khmeleva

The Main Directorate of Criminalistics (Forensic Center) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Email: khmeleva.alla@mail.ru

candidate of legal sciences

俄罗斯联邦, 119311, Moscow, Stroiteley str., 8, bldg. 2

Ilona Tskhovrebova

The Main Directorate of Criminalistics (Forensic Center) of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation

Email: iavolga@mail.ru

candidate of legal sciences, associate professor

俄罗斯联邦, 119311, Moscow, Stroiteley str., 8, bldg. 2


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  2. Бессонов А.А. Использование методов работы с «Большими данными» в криминалистике и расследовании преступлений // Вестник криминалистики. 2020. № 2. С. 46–51.

版权所有 © Khmeleva A.V., Tskhovrebova I.A., 2022

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