Legal Regulation of Unmanned Vehicles: Foreign and Russian Experience




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The main purpose of this article is to analyze the legal regulation of unmanned vehicles in the world and in Russia. The methodology is founded on various methods and logical techniques of information processing. The principle method is that of analysis: comparative-legal, structural-functional, and formal-legal. The article highlights the growing interest in self-driving vehicles and autonomous control systems in general, as well as the main advantages of using such technologies. It is determined that there is a constant building of capacity within the framework of information systems and technologies, an active search for labor resources, and a constant training of new personnel to expand the segment of autonomous management systems. The article discusses the intention of legislators from a number of states to develop a regulatory framework aimed at ensuring the testing of unmanned vehicles and their access to public roads, as well as the creation of entire networks of unmanned vehicles that can relieve the transport system and improve the economic and environmental well-being of the population. Within the framework of Russian realities, various government initiatives, initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation, and attempts to regulate unmanned vehicles at the legislative level are being considered. The authors have concluded that the issue of unmanned vehicle use, as well as the legal regulation of such vehicle use is on the agenda of many states. Russia’s achievements in the framework of the issue are highlighted separately. The question of the emergence of two models for the development of legal regulation of unmanned vehicles is raised: the Russian model and that (those) of other countries.


Daria Petrova

Far Eastern Federal University


candidate of political sciences, associate professor

俄罗斯联邦, Vladivostok

Denis Mukhalov

Far Eastern Federal University



俄罗斯联邦, Vladivostok


  1. Dremlyuga RI, Kripakova AV, Yakovenko AA. Regulation of testing and use of unmanned vehicles: the US experience. Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law. 2020;(3):69–70. (In Russ.).
  2. Dremlyuga RI, Yakovenko AA. Regulation of testing of unmanned vehicles: the experience of Europe. Asia-Pacific region: Economics, Politics, Law. 2020;(1):103–117. (In Russ.).

版权所有 © Petrova D.A., Mukhalov D.V., 2021

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