Vulnerability of the modern criminal legal system of Russia from the methods and means of conducting hybrid wars




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The features of the manifestations of hybrid wars were investigated by examples of its action in certain sectors of science, education, economics, finance, and criminal law. Certain characteristics of actions and events have been identified as elements of a hybrid war and not as random events.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not contain the necessary articles that would allow sufficient legal protection of the rights of citizens and the interests of the state from the actions and consequences of hybrid wars. In general, the criminal law system is not ready to identify and classify events as elements of a hybrid war, repel hybrid war attacks and waging confrontation, and work on the initial preemption and prevention of hybrid wars.

This article, which is proposed to be introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, reveals the concept of hybrid war and provides its full definition in a new article.

In conclusion, criminal legal measures and the possibilities of only the criminal legal system cannot solve the problems of confrontation in hybrid wars, and involvement of all the forces and resources of the state is necessary.

A proposal was made on the need to move to organizing the work of Russian law enforcement agencies on new principles: preemptive and prevention of hybrid wars instead of merely identifying their consequences and fragmentary application of criminal punishment for actions that are insignificant in comparison to the scale and damage caused by a hybrid war.


Leonid Goloskokov

Moscow academy of the Investigative Committee
of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4113-1571
SPIN 代码: 8675-9376

Doctor of Law, Leading Researcher of the Research Department



俄罗斯联邦, Russia, 125080, Moskow, st. Vrubel 12.


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