On the subject of the prosecutor's activities for the judicial protection of public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural areas




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The prosecutor's judicial protection of public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural areas is a cross-functional, complex, non-inspection area of the prosecutorial activity. The conceptual apparatus of activity is currently not fully formed. The key concept is the subject of activity, the correct understanding of which depends on the correct setting of goals, tasks, and the effective implementation of the powers granted to the prosecutor. The author, on the basis of the established approaches to understanding the subject matter of prosecutorial activity, the concept of a single and general subject matter of activity, and the objectives of the proceedings, formulated a single subject matter of the prosecutor's activity for the judicial protection of public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural areas. It includes the protection of public interest regarding the use and protection of specially protected natural areas, compliance with the laws of acts (omissions) and decisions of persons, including persons involved in the case, the legality and validity of court decisions in order to actually eliminate the revealed violations of law on specially protected natural areas, compensation for harm, and ensuring the inevitability of punishment of violators.

In addition, the general subject of the prosecutor's activities to protect public interests in the use and protection of specially protected natural areas in general consists of the subject of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, including laws concerning specially protected natural areas, the subject of prosecutor's supervision at the pre-trial stage of criminal proceedings, the subject matter of participation in the consideration by the courts of cases in all types of proceedings for the protection of public interests in the use and protection of protected persons, the subject of supervision of the enforcement of laws by bailiffs by administrations of institutions and bodies, enforcing punishment, in the execution of court decisions in cases of violations in the field of the use and protection of protected persons, the subject of coordination, and subjects of participation in law-making activities.


Svetlana Berdinskikh

Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation

Email: berdinskix@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8168-3592

Prosecutor of the Second Division (Appeal and Cassation) (with deployment in St. Petersburg) of the Appeals and Cassation Department of the Main Civil Court Department of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg


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