Ideological myths of European union on the example of Laeken declaration





The European Council adopted Laeken Declaration in which it was first stated about EU aspiration to take the lead on world globalization together with USA. The subject of this study is the analysis of myths and ideological cliches of Laeken Declaration by which EU and USA legitimize their foreign policy.

The author concludes that the future of EU was not as optimistic as stated in the text of the declaration. Until recently, the EU was a state in the process of formation, and its legal area acquired the features of a domestic order. These processes have slowed down now. An external challenge was the change in the format of relations with Russia, which openly declared its national interests and cooperation only as a equal partner. Previously unthinkable social problems appeared in the “space of well-being”.

The history of Russia teaches that “going to Europe” can be done in different ways. The path of “european integration” put the Russian state on the brink of complete disintegration of the late XXth century. The consequences of this choice are currently being overcome in the framework of Eurasian integration and integration with states outside the post-Soviet space that have common interests with Russia.


Alexey Novoseltsev

Far Eastern Federal University

SPIN 代码: 6724-9025

PhD in Law, Assosiate professor of the Department of Public and Private International Law

俄罗斯联邦, 8 Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690950


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