The problem about the development of the perspective the institute of complicity in the crime and its use in the modern circumstances





The author of the research-based conclusion about the prospects of development of complicity in a crime and its enforcement in modern conditions. With a view to the unification of the Institute of complicity and group crime it is proposed to replace the qualifying trait of offences “group of persons” and “a group of persons by prior conspiracy” for classifying sign of committing crimes “in complicity on involving persons who are not capable of criminal responsibility», exclude classifying sign of committing crime “organized group” with the criminalization of the creation, management and participation in an organized group. Based on the experience of international law, as well as criminal legislation of foreign countries, expedience implementation in Russian criminal legislation of quantitative criteria of differentiation of organized groups and irregular. Places particular emphasis on intensive development of information and telecommunication technologies, which makes the remoteness and hence the remoteness and anonymity of the involvement of accomplices in criminal activities, including terrorist, extremist, in drug crime.


Andrey Mondokhonov

Prosecutor Office of the Republic of Khakassia


PhD (Law), First Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Khakassia

俄罗斯联邦, Abakan


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