Comprehension of legal reality: from the scientific tradition to the symbolic universe





The article deals with the problem of understanding and knowledge of legal reality, from the point of view of understanding the trends of development of humanitarian knowledge in General and legal knowledge in particular. The limitations of classical approaches and the need for their methodological updating are pointed out. The connection of law with the socio-cultural context that determines its specificity is revealed. Social reality is a complex multidimensional and multilayered system consisting of many social institutions (constructs). All social institutions, including in the sphere of legal life, are intersubjective (both objective and subjective). The process of formation of legal knowledge is considered in the institutional and related areas of discourse analysis and theory of social representations. The article states that what a person constructs contains subjective and objective at the same time and in sociological phenomenology such combination is called as intersubjectivity. Intersubjectivity is considered in terms of human dimension. Human dimension acts as a filter between people and a conditional objective situation, which is accompanied by subjective experiences, such as expectations, needs, interests, etc. it is Noted that the objective and subjective exist in an indissoluble dialectical connection. It is argued that the knowledge of this reality is a complex process, which includes institutional acts of knowledge and understanding. Special importance in this process is given to objectification, internalization and legitimation. At the same time, it is legitimation that has cognitive and normative aspects, since it is connected with the value and cognitive (knowledge, understanding) subsystems of consciousness. The connection of the symbolic universe with the legal life is pointed out.


Irina Lomakina

Saint-Petersburg law institute (branch) of Federal Establishment of Higher Education University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation


PhD, Full Professor, Department of theory and history of state and law

俄罗斯联邦, Saint-Petersburg


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