Public administration in the political and legal space of modern Ukraine: European choice and effectiveness





The article, which consists of two parts, explores the problems of the political and legal foundations of goal-setting and the effectiveness of public administration in modern Ukraine, assesses the significance of the constructiveness of the implementation outlined in the context of public interest and state growth strategy. An attempt was also made to prove that the existence of scientifically substantiated goals, their systematic nature, strategic and functional validity are the basic features of a state of law and an indispensable condition for the high quality of public administration. It is also taken into account that the concepts of “effective” and “efficiency” are perceived ambiguously in science and everyday management practice. For some, it is effective that it is desirable and expedient, for others, only that allows them to realize their intentions and satisfy their respective needs, for others, it ensures that the desired result is obtained at the lowest cost. It also touches on the difficulties of making effective managerial decisions in the difficult conditions of modern reality, in a situation where there are no strict methodological guidelines and the corresponding legal, organizational, procedural and heuristic algorithms, not populous moral principles dominate, but populist blur. The presence in such conditions of only normatively approved criteria and performance indicators is clearly not enough. The substantive content of the concepts “goal”, “goal setting”, “efficiency”, “social effect”, and “extremist right-wing groups” was also clarified.

The causes of failures, failures and negative consequences of the current public administration system in the political and legal space of modern Ukraine are investigated. Hence the task of forming a modern legal, professional, and moral culture of the administrative apparatus and skills, not to bureaucratically bind, hinder, and destroy, but to stimulate, create, and multiply. It is proved that the tasks of modernization and social renewal can be effectively realized only by a highly professional, stable, well-structured, nationally oriented state apparatus, highly efficient, well-organized and respected public service.

Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the dialectical materialistic approach to the analysis of social phenomena and mechanisms of government, both horizontally (genetic aspects — the essence, patterns, goals, functions, principles, specific historical manifestations, taking into account geopolitical and national-country specifics) and vertically (ideals, interests, forms and methods of legal regulation and strategic control). A wide range of methods of scientific knowledge was used: comparative legal, formal logical, concrete historical, system-functional.

The main conclusion. The task of creating an effective public administration system for modern Ukraine remains one of the most urgent tasks; managerial goals and measures for their effective implementation should be politically, legally and economically justified, reflect the deep interest of society with a deep understanding that if a country does not have a strategic goal and there are no higher meanings, then life turns into a meaningless existence, the state finds itself in a situation of turbulence disintegration and dispersion. Therefore, the plan should be implemented systematically and consistently, in strict accordance with the law and in a healthy moral and political space. The key to success is social trust, strong political leadership, responsibility and constructive action.


Evgeniy Okhotsky



Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Public Administration Department of Management and Policy Faculty

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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