The Choice of Strategic Directionsfor the Development of Health Care in Russia, Taking into Account Risk Factors for Maintaining the Health of Children, the Working-Age Population and the Retirement Age





Health care in Russia is under the difficult conditions of under-financing of the industry due to the stagnation of the economy, relatively low GDP per capita, a small percentage of GDP allocated to health care, large area and low density of settlement of the population served. In this context the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation must correctly determine the strategy and tactics of action to its available resources were aimed at solving the main tasks of preserving the population of all age groups. The authors propose to consider the influence of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on the full range of risk factors that determine the health status of the population, the relationship between the health of parents and the welfare of the family and the role of the older generations of the family in the preservation, creation and development of the potential viability of the family. It is in the family that the human labor force is created, the restoration and reproduction of today’s labor potential, and the task of expanded reproduction of labor resources is resolved which is the basis of socio-economic growth and development of Russia-is being solved. The authors take part in the scientific and practical discussion on pension reform, offering the Government to take into account the expected duration of healthy life of men and women, to analyze various aspects of employment of the older population, which has higher risks of becoming unemployed than workers of middle and young age. On the other hand, the continued employment of older persons makes the task of youth employment even more difficult. The authors suggest that the Government consider other options for filling the budget. The science of management says that it is necessary to consider several options, take into account the pros and cons of each, and find the option that will give the least plume of negative social consequences and will allow to execute the main national task to preserve of the population.


L Gabueva

IOM RANEPA under the President of the RF


N Pavlova

IOM RANEPA under the President of the RF



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