State Anti-Crisis Management:the Age of the Formation of a New Model(Review of the Monograph of the Collective of the Authors of the MGIMO Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the General Editorship of Professor E. V. Okhotskiy «Public Administration in the Conditions of Crisis and Sanctionary Constraints: Domestic and Foreign Experience».M.: MGIMO-University Publishers, 2017. 889 p.)





The monograph «Public Administration in the Conditions of Crisis and Sanctionary Constraints: Domestic and Foreign Experience» touches upon the need for the operational development of concepts and mechanisms for studying, assessing, forecasting and sequential overcoming of actual crisis manifestations, especially the geopolitical crisis that began with the collapse of the USSR at the turn of the century and destroyed the relative stability of the system of international relations, based on the bipolarity of the world order.The authors of the monograph defined the subject of their research, starting from the assumption that the state’s anti-crisis strategy should be used not only as an emergency measure to restore the destroyed system, but also as the most important form of generating new approaches to public administration that can provide modernization of this system in difficult and extremely contradictory conditions globalization, the growth of crisis contradictions and international sanctions. The monograph attempts to comprehend foreign and domestic experience in the development and implementation of various models of anti-crisis development and identify the most acceptable methods of state anti-crisis management for Russia.The monograph under review is innovative, original, executed on a high scientific level by research. Many of the informative plots of this research appeared in the scientific plan for the first time and can not but interest the theorists and practitioners of state administration, constitutional and administrative law.


T Ampleeva

MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia



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