New crime reality as a result of the new socio-economic conditions of development of Russia





General characteristics of long-term changes of the criminal situation in Russia, 2000-2010-ies. By analogy with the concept of«new economic reality» used to describe the current conditions of national economic development, proposed the concept of «new criminalreality». It is, on the one hand, the completion of overcoming the catastrophic consequences of the transformational crisis of the 1990s (thereturn of criminal homicide to the level of the 1980s, the decline of threats of terrorism), and on the other hand, the growth of the valuesof the new criminal challenges and threats. Most important among these new challenges and threats - cybercrime, the crime of migrantsand institutional corruption. Stressed economic determinism new criminal threats and challenges, the growth of which is associated notso much with the failures of the Ministry of internal Affairs, as with the systemic transformation of socio-economic institutions in Russiaand around the world. The article used data from the departmental statistics of the MVD of Russia.


A Sitkovsky

Center of MIA Russian Academy of Management


Y Latov

Leading Researcher of RAS Institute of Sociology



版权所有 © Sitkovsky A.L., Latov Y.V., 2016

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