Modern Legislative Process: from Legal Trends to Predictable Development Scenarios




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The objectives of the article are to identify trends in the development of the legislative process in the Russian Federation and formulate proposals to improve its effectiveness. In order to achieve them, the legal regulation and statistics of the legislative process in the Russian Federation are analyzed, doctrinal concepts and forecasts of the development of the legislative process are studied, including in the conditions of digitalization and other global challenges.

The research is based on the use of systemic, structural-functional, formal-legal, comparative-legal methods, methods of legal modeling and legal forecasting in their entirety.

It is established that the development of the modern legislative process is carried out in the following directions: regulation by a large number of normative legal acts of different legal force, including legislative acts, as well as by-laws; high activity of some subjects of the right of legislative initiative along with low activity of others; systematic clearing of the legislative base, which is simultaneously complemented by the practice of introducing bills with a similar subject of regulation in place of rejected ones; the necessity and consistency of the model of direct participation of the President; increasing the role of the Government of the Russian Federation in the legislative process and the growth of its legislative work; increasing the number of initiators of federal bills or creating additional legal conditions and guarantees for the implementation of their legislative ideas and proposals while maintaining the current subject composition of the right of legislative initiative; preserving the practice of short-term planning of legislative work along with the increasing need to ensure a comprehensive and promising their planning; strengthening the interaction of the branches of government in the legislative process, including through the work of the Commission of the Government of the Russian Federation on legislative activities; scientific support of the legislative process and the increasing importance of its principles such as professionalism, scientism; information support of the legislative process; the impact on the legislative process of the level of development of legal technique, modern information technologies and procedures. Promising tasks for legal science that need to be solved to ensure the effectiveness of the legislative process are identified.


Maksim Zaloilo

Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4247-5242
SPIN 代码: 5892-5522
Scopus 作者 ID: 57215428696

candidate of legal sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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