Experience in the Application of Forensic Examination Techniques in IAEA Regional Nuclear Forensic Exercises




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It was shown that the five-day format of the exercise was sufficient for the participants to practically master the procedure and characteristic features of all the main stages of the investigation of a crime with NRM, from the examination of the crime scene to development of an expert opinion. The procedure for choosing the parameters of the RDD imitators used in the exercises has been worked out. The informativeness of the main methods for performing forensic examinations — SEM-EDX, SIMS, ISP MS and fingerprinting — in the conditions of the short exercises was demonstrated. In environmental samples as well as on the surrounding items in the “workshop of terrorists”, identical particles of NRM simulators were identified — particles of lead oxide with a characteristic morphology — and tungsten microparticles with a modified isotopic composition were also studied. The possibility of the participants mastering the methods of dactyloscopy was also shown. Some mistakes made by the exercises participants were noted, which necessitate additional training and new exercises.


Alina Nitrean

Forensic and Legal Expertise Center

Email: nitreanalina@gmail.com
摩尔多瓦共和国, Chisinau

Vladimir Stebelkov

Laboratory for Microparticle Analysis

Email: v.stebelkov@lma.su
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4360-1258


俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

Kirill Zhizhin

Laboratory for Microparticle Analysis

Email: c.zhizhin@lma.su
俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


  1. Ujba VV, Kvacheva YuE, Stebel’kov VA. i dr. Polonievaya versiya smerti Yasira Arafata: Rezul’taty rossijskih issledovanij. Medicinskaya radiologiya i radiacionnaya bezopasnost’. 2015;60(3):41–49. (In Russ.).
  2. Schwantes JM, Marsden O. Fourth Collaborative Materials Exercise After Action Report. PNNL-24410. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Richland, WA, 2015. 135 p.
  3. Schwantes J, Marsden O, Taylor F. Fifth Collaborative Materials Exercise After Action Report, ITWG. 2018. 103 p.
  4. Schwantes J, Marsden O. Sixth Collaborative Materials Exercise After Action Report, Draft, ITWG. 2021. 153 p.
  5. Nitrean A. Particularitătile examinării urmelor papilare pe obiecte contaminate cu radionuclizi (Osobennosti issledovaniya sledov ruk na ob”ektah, zagryaznennyh radionuklidami). Aktual’nye nauchnye issledovaniya v sovremennom mire. ISCIENCE.IN.UA. 2022;3(83):5255.


2. Fig. 1. A lead oxide particle (SEM) detected on a fragment of vegetation from the RDD dispersion site

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3. Fig. 2. A lead oxide particle (SEM) of powder from a test tube found in a workshop

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4. Fig. 3. Dependence of the lead deposition density on the distance from the explosion epicenter of one of the RDD mock-ups

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5. Fig. 4. Specialized box for the development of fingerprints from objects contaminated with NRM

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6. Fig. 5. Photographs of objects with developed fingerprints: a — a vial with traces of a cesium solution; b — silicon wafer from the “workshop”

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版权所有 © Nitrean A.I., Stebelkov V.A., Zhizhin K.D., 2022

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