Reposition of dislocated piggyback intraocular lens in a patient with induced keratectasia after radial keratotomy

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Aim – to substantiate low-traumatic sutureless surgery for piggyback intraocular lens (IOL) reposition as a method of choice in a patient after previous keratorefractive surgery and cataract phacoemulsification.

The article provides the examination and surgical treatment data of one patient with piggyback intraocular lens dislocation after previous radial keratotomy and keratectasia.

The presented clinical case shows that proper consideration of eye anatomical features allows for effective low-traumatic sutureless piggyback IOL reposition in patients who have previously undergone radial keratotomy, and may lead to sustainable high visual and functional results.

About the authors

M. A. Artemov

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4992-1957

ophthalmologist of the Ophthalmic Microsurgery Department №4

Russian Federation, Samara

I. S. Kazakov

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3589-8618

Head of the Ophthalmic Microsurgery Department №4

Russian Federation, Samara

V. M. Malov

Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7366-7955

PhD, Professor, Department of Eye Diseases of the Institute of Postgraduate Education

Russian Federation, Samara

A. V. Zolotarev

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky; Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9107-5221

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Eye Diseases of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Chief Physician

Russian Federation, Samara; Samara

E. B. Eroshevskaya

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky; Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2137-7769

PhD, Professor, Department of Eye Diseases of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, ophthalmologist of the Ophthalmology Day Hospital №2

Russian Federation, Samara; Samara

E. V. Karlova

Samara Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after T.I. Eroshevsky; Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4929-8832

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Eye Diseases of the Institute of Postgraduate Education, Deputy Chief Physician for Innovation and Technology Development

Russian Federation, Samara; Samara


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1. Corneal topography, right eye. Corneal ectasia (CASIA-1, Tomey Corporation, Japan)

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3. Figure 2. Piggyback IOL position before and after surgery

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Copyright (c) 2023 Artemov M.A., Kazakov I.S., Malov V.M., Zolotarev A.V., Eroshevskaya E.B., Karlova E.V.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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