Socio-economic aspects of occupational safety and health amidst digital transformation




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Building a digital economy in Russia requires the implementation of digital transformation, both of individual organizations and entire industries. Important components of the changes are directly employees and employers, as well as the corporate culture. Digital transformations should be carried out on a single foundation, which is laid in the strategy aimed at digitalisation of all business processes. These aspects should be reflected in the company's mission and goals, which involve accelerating the digitalisation of business processes, including occupational safety and health system. In this regard, the study devoted to the identification of social and economic aspects of the employees' occupational safety and health in the digital environment becomes even more relevant.The research purpose is to identify the conditions, prerequisites and effects of the introduction of new digital methods and tools into the occupational safety and health system. It is concluded that digital transformation in the occupational safety and health system will allow automating occupational safety and health processes, robotizing the most dangerous areas of work, as well as reducing the accident likelihood.The practical significance of this research is to identify the expected positive effects of the external and internal processes transformation in the occupational safety and health system amidst digital transformation for companies and organizations, employees and the state.The results of the study may be useful to representatives of public authorities, specialists in occupational safety and health, as well as experts whose range of professional interests includes solving problems of improving the efficiency of occupational safety and health management.


Natalya Gorodnova

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin

доктор экономических наук, профессор

Nadezhda Samarskaya

Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заместитель директора


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版权所有 © Gorodnova N.V., Samarskaya N.A., 2023
