Profile of the victim in fatal accidents



Texto integral

Acesso aberto Acesso aberto
Acesso é fechado Acesso está concedido
Acesso é fechado Somente assinantes


The article is devoted to the problem of stabilizing the level of fatal occupational injuries in the Russian Federation. The author suggests compiling a profile of the victim in fatal accidents. A review of scientific publications and research is carried out. According to the established characteristic, the profile of the victim was compiled. These characteristics are as follows: age and years of experience, gender of the victim, availability of personal protective equipment, conducting a knowledge check and the time from the moment of the knowledge check to the accident, type of economic activity and profession. The data obtained can be used by employers and occupational safety specialists in order to identify employees who have fallen into these risk groups in order to build a set of additional occupational safety measures to prevent a possible fatal accident.

Sobre autores

Arseniy Polyakov

Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Labor” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation

Младший научный сотрудник Центра исследований охраны труда


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Polyakov A.V., 2023

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