An Old Uyghur Manuscript Fragment Dedicated to Caitya Veneration





Caitya is the name for the holy places tightly connected with the Buddha’s great deeds, that are commonly praised and worshipped in the Buddhist tradition. These worshipping texts generally called Caityastotra were most probably widespread among the Uyghur Buddhists. A rather brief text Caityastotra is included in the preface of the late edition of the Old Uyghur Suvaraprabhāsottama sūtra also known as Altun Yaruk sudur. Several fragments of the other versions are found in the Turfan collection of Berlin. The newly identified fragment dedicated to the third Caitya veneration is preserved in the Serindia collection of the IOM, RAS. The aim of the present article is to provide transliteration, transcription and translation of the text.


Anna Turanskaya

Институт восточных рукописей Российской академии наук



俄罗斯联邦, Санкт-Петербург


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