SI 3662 and SI 3663 - two wedge-shaped Kharoṣṭhī documents from Niya in the Petrovsky Collection


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Two unedited wedge-shaped wooden documents SI 3662 and SI 3663 (= SI P 138/a and SI P 138/б, respectively) are deciphered in this paper. A preliminary analysis of their content and physical features shows that SI 3663 is very probably the wedge under-tablet to be bound with the wedge covering-tablet N. i. 17 found by Aurel Stein at the N. I. site (Niya, China). SI 3662, a king’s instruction issued to Soṃjaka the Cozbo, is in all probability from the Niya sites, too.

Об авторах

Chaojung Ching

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science-Kyoto University

Автор, ответственный за переписку.

Список литературы

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© Ching C., 2017

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