The First Mongolian Manuscript in Germany Reconsidered

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In 1979, Walther Heissig published an article describing two manuscript folios kept at the Herzog August Bibliothek: one of them contains text fragments in Tibetan and Mongolian, the other one, text in Tibetan only. Heissig proved that these folios were the first manuscripts of this kind in Germany, brought there from Russia, where they had been found at Ablai Keyid on the River Irtysh. The present study goes further in refining some of these data: the history of the folios is elaborated, the text fragments are attributed. Above all, the study demonstrates an unquestionable codicological resemblance between the folios and the Golden Kanjur of Ligdan Khan, establishing a connection between these manuscripts.

About the authors

Kirill V. Alekseev

Saint-Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 2814-4588
Russian Federation

Anna A. Turanskaya

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

SPIN-code: 5660-3135
Russian Federation

Natalia V. Yampolskaya

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

SPIN-code: 6467-6718
Russian Federation


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