Quotations from Zhuangzi in Tangut Literature

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Eleven quotations from Zhuangzi are found in a Tangut compilation and a Tangut translation work, in which five paragraphs prove to be missing contents of the current edition. The compilation is well accomplished, but the translation, similar to some Dunhuang manuscripts in their contents, is a shoddy work with lots of interpolations or even misunderstandings of the Chinese classics. The Taoist works, including Zhuangzi, were spread in a very limited scope in Xixia, causing a fact that nobody was familiar with it, except a few higher intellectuals serving the Emperor.

About the authors

Nie Hongyin

Sichuan Normal University

Author for correspondence.
Email: nhy54116@sina.com
China, Chengdu


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  3. KYCHANOV, Evgeniy I. 1989: Izmenennyi i zanovo utverzhdennyi kodeks deviza tsarstvovaniia nebesnoe protsvetanie 1149–1169 [Revised and Newly Endorsed Code for the Designation of Reign Celestial Prosperity 1149–1169]. Book 3. Moscow: Nauka.
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  5. NIE Hongyin 聶鴻音 2002a: “Xixiaben Jingshi Zachao chutan” 西夏本《經史雜抄》初探 [A preliminary Research of Tangut Version Jingshi Zachao]. Ningxia Shehui Kexue 3: 84–86.
  6. NIE Hongyin 聶鴻音 2002b: Xixiawen Dexingji Yanjiu 西夏文德行集研究 [A Study on Tangut Dexingji]. Lanzhou: Gansu Wenhua Publishing House.
  7. NIE Hongyin 聶鴻音 2018: “Xixia Daojiao buyi” 西夏道教補議 [Complementary Discussions on Taoism in Xixia]. Xixiaxue 2: 1–7. Lanzhou: Gansu Wenhua Publishing House.
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  9. PENG Xiangqian 彭向前 2011: “Xiayi hanji zhong de ‘diandao’ yifa” 夏譯漢籍中的“顛倒”譯法 [Translation Method of “Transposing” in Tangut Versions of Chinese Classics]. Minzu Yuwen 5: 72–73.
  10. WANG Shumin 王叔岷 1988: Zhuangzi Jianquan 莊子校詮 [Collective Commentaries on Zhuangzi]. Taipei: Institute of History and Language, Academia Sinica.
  11. ZHENG Acai 鄭阿財 1989: Dunhuang Xiejuan Xinji Wenci Jiujing Chao Yanjiu 敦煌寫卷新集文詞九經抄研究 [A Study on Dunhuang Manuscript Xinji Wenci Jiujing Chao]. Taipei: Wenshizhe Press.
  12. ZHENG Acai 鄭阿財 & ZHU Fengyu 朱鳳玉 2002: Dunhuang Mengshu Yanjiu 敦煌蒙書研究 [A Study on Dunhuang Readers for Enlightenment]. Lanzhou: Gansu Jiaoyu Publishing House.

Supplementary files

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