
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines


  1. The journal publishes original and review articles in Russian and English, reflecting the problems and results of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of genetics, selection, variety study, introduction, biotechnology, physiology, biochemistry, immunity, agrochemistry, nursery, storage, processing and technologies for growing fruit, berry and ornamental plants.
  2. The editors do not limit authors to the length of the article and recommend that authors provide the most complete data sets, comprehensive information on the conditions of the experiment, methodology and experimental designs, to enable reproduction and further development.
  3. For greater clarity, detail, and to attract attention, authors may attach additional materials to the article that for one reason or another were not included in the text of the article, such as large tables with data, drawings, videos, etc.
  4. Publications with the results of field research must be based on data obtained for at least 3 years (for graduate students - at least 2 years).
  5. The reliability of the results obtained should be confirmed by statistical processing.
  6. The originality of the text is at least 75%.
  7. The text of the article must be verified and edited by the authors. The material must be presented clearly and consistently at a high scientific and methodological level with a minimum number of grammatical and spelling errors.
  8. Figures, graphs, and tables must be inserted into the text of the manuscript as close as possible to the place of the first mention.
  9. Figures and Excel files containing graphs and diagrams inserted into the manuscript are attached in the appropriate window as separate files.
  10. The translation into Russian of the manuscript title, abstract and keywords can be done by the editorial board (free of charge), if the author (authors) report this.
  11. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not meet the formal requirements for publication in the journal set out below without explanation.


  1. The manuscript of the article prepared in accordance with the following requirements;
  2. Files of figures and Excel files containing graphs and diagrams used in the article;
  3. Files with additional materials (if any);
  4. A scanned copy (photograph) of the cover letter.


  1. Original article template.
  2. Review article template.
  3. The manuscript is sent to the editors in electronic form via the online form. The file uploaded to the system must be in MS Word format (have the extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf).
  4. 3 cm margins on each side.
  5. Single line spacing. Arial Narrow 12 or Times New Roman 12 font. In tables, the font size may be reduced to 10 points.
  6. Emphasis of individual words (phrases) in the text may only be in italics or bold. Underlining is not allowed.
  7. Hyphenation must be disabled in the Word settings.
  8. Forced hyphenation in the text and in tables is not allowed.


The manuscript of the original (research) article should contain the following elements:

  1. UDC
  2. Manuscript title
  3. Authors
  4. Affiliations
  5. Abstract
  6. Key words
  7. Manuscript title e in Russian
  8. Authors
  9. Affiliations
  10. Abstract in Russian
  11. Key words in Russian
  12. Introduction
  13. Materials and methods
  14. Results and discussion
  15. Conclusion
  16. Acknowledgments (if necessary)
  17. Funding
  18. Conflict of interest
  19. References (GOST style)
  20. References (APA style)
  21. Additional materials (if any)
  22. Authors details

Review article:

  1. UDC
  2. Manuscript title
  3. Authors
  4. Affiliations
  5. Abstract
  6. Key words
  7. Manuscript title in Russian
  8. Authors
  9. Affiliations
  10. Abstract in Russian
  11. Key words in Russian
  12. Introduction
  13. Sections and subsections at the discretion of the authors
  14. Conclusion
  15. Acknowledgments (if necessary)
  16. Funding
  17. Conflict of interest
  18. Bibliography (GOST style)
  19. References (APA style)
  20. Additional materials (if any)
  21. Author (s) details


Element of the manuscript

Recommendations and Comments


The UDC for a manuscript can be clarified with a librarian, or independently, using reference book.

Manuscript title

The title should be specific, meaningful and informative, clearly reflect the topic and not mislead regarding the issues considered in it.

In review, after the title in parentheses is written (review) or (systematic review) or (meta-analysis).

The translation of the manuscript title into Russian must fully correspond in meaning to its title in English.

The translation into Russian of the manuscript title, abstract and keywords can be done by the editorial board (free of charge), if the author (authors) report this.

Authors of the manuscript

Submission format:

F.N. Last name, email of the corresponding author.

Initials without a space. If there are two or more authors, only the email of the corresponding author is indicated.

Examples of lists of authors:

J. Bloggs,

J.J. Bloggs, B. Soap,, E. Mustermann


Submission format:

Organization Name, Postal address, organization e-mail.


Example for authors with one affiliation:

J.J. Bloggs, B. Soap,, E. Mustermann

Horticulture Research Institute, 1350 Leeuwenhoek st.. Onecity, MF 01234,


Example for authors with different affiliations:

J.J. Bloggs 1, B. Soap 2,3,, E. Mustermann 3

1 Horticulture Research Institute, 1350 Leeuwenhoek st.. Onecity, MF 01234, USA,

2 Plant Science Institute of Twocity University, 15 Malus st. Twocity, AB4 3ZY, New Zealand,

3 Institute of Plant Genetic Research, 7b Max Plant st., 012345 Erstestadt, Germany,



The volume of the abstract is 100-250 words.

The structure of the abstract (without highlighting the headings):

  • background
  • main goal and/or objectives
  • description of the main methods used
  • the results obtained and their discussion
  • conclusions.

The text of the abstract is not divided into paragraphs, the structural elements of the abstract are not highlighted in the title. The abstract does not use references to sources, tables, formulas and illustrations. The text of the abstract must fully correspond to the content of the work, it is not recommended to repeat the title of the article, use introductory words and phrases. The abstract in Russian must fully correspond in meaning and structure to the abstract in English.

Machine translation is not allowed.

The translation into Russian of the manuscript title, abstract and keywords can be done by the editorial board (free of charge), if the author (authors) report this.

Key words

Submission format: keyword 1; keyword 2; ..., keyword 10

It is necessary to indicate from 3 to 10 keywords (phrases). It is recommended to use words that complement the title of the article, revealing its content.

The translation into Russian of the manuscript title, abstract and keywords can be done by the editorial board (free of charge), if the author (authors) report this.



The section structure for original articles

(without highlighting headings): background, goal /goals, objectives (if necessary), literature review.

The literature review should analyze the current state of the research area and cite key publications. To analyze the current state, preference should be given to scientific publications (articles, monographs, patents) no older than 20 years in a quantity sufficient for justification, but not less than 10. It is not allowed to use textbooks, teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts as sources. Instead of dissertations and dissertations, articles should be used in which the results of dissertation research were published.

The number of sources for original articles is at least 10 no older than 20 years. Sources older than 20 years are no more than 20% of the total number excluding standarts, regulatory documents, reference books, guidelines and recommendations.

The use of textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts in preparing the manuscript is not allowed.

Self-citations - no more than 3 sources.

In-text references to sources are given in parentheses in chronological order with the author's last name(s) and year of publication, for example, (Bloggs, 2020; Bloggs, Mustermann, 2021; Mustermann et al. 2022).

Section structure for review articles: Introduction (heading): background, goal / goals, objectives, (without highlighting headings). Sections at the discretion of the author.

The number of sources no older than 20 years for review articles is at least 40. Sources older than 20 years are no more than 20% of the total number, excluding standarts, regulatory documents, reference books, guidelines and recommendations. The use of textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts in preparing the manuscript is not allowed.

Self-citations - no more than 5 sources.

In-text references to sources are given in parentheses in chronological order, indicating the author's last name(s) and the year of publication, for example, (Bloggs, 2020; Bloggs, Mustermann, 2021; Mustermann et al. 2022).


Section structure for original articles

Without highlighting headings in the specified sequence:

  • background
  • novelty (scientific and/or practical)
  • goal /goals
  • objectives (if necessary)
  • literature review.

The literature review should analyze the current state of the research area and cite key publications. To analyze the current state, preference should be given to scientific publications (articles, monographs, patents) no older than 20 years in a quantity sufficient for justification, but not less than 10. It is not allowed to use textbooks, teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts as sources. Instead of dissertations and dissertations, articles should be used in which the results of dissertation research were published.

The number of sources for original articles is at least 10 no older than 20 years. Sources older than 20 years are no more than 20% of the total number excluding standarts, regulatory documents, reference books, guidelines and recommendations.

The use of textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts in preparing the manuscript is not allowed.

Self-citations - no more than 3 sources.

In-text references to sources are given in parentheses in chronological order with the author's last name(s) and year of publication, for example, (Bloggs, 2020; Bloggs, Mustermann, 2021; Mustermann et al. 2022).

Structure of review articles

In a review article, the Introduction and section titles are highlighted with headings.

Introduction, where, without highlighting the headings, the following are given in the specified sequence:

  • background
  • novelty (scientific and/or practical)
  • goal / goals
  • objectives (if necessary)

Sections are at the discretion of the author.

The number of sources no older than 20 years for review articles is at least 40. Sources older than 20 years are no more than 20% of the total number, excluding standarts, regulatory documents, reference books, guidelines and recommendations. The use of textbooks and teaching aids, dissertations and dissertation abstracts in preparing the manuscript is not allowed.

Self-citations - no more than 5 sources.

In-text references to sources are given in parentheses in chronological order, indicating the author's last name(s) and the year of publication, for example, (Bloggs, 2020; Bloggs, Mustermann, 2021; Mustermann et al. 2022).

Materials and methods

This section provides, in any order, comprehensive descriptions of the object(s) of the study, the location and conditions of the study, research materials, research methods (protocols), and experimental design that allow for the effective reproduction and development of the study presented in the article.

New objects, materials, methods, and research protocols should be described in detail, but not excessively, to the extent that allows the reader to get an idea and the ability to reproduce them. Well-known, traditional objects, materials, and methods (protocols) can be described briefly, or their well-known name can be given, duly cited.

If software was used to conduct the research and process the results, its name and version number should be indicated, for example, "... Statistica v14.0.0.15 (x64) ...".

The description of the object, location, and conditions of the study should be exhaustive and consistent with the topic of the study. Information on soil conditions, weather, and agricultural technology must be provided when publishing the results of field studies. The detailing of this information should not be excessive and should be consistent with the topic of the study. It is necessary to provide comprehensive information about the experimental plan and/or experimental design and methods of mathematical data processing, indicating the software used (if any) and its version.

Results and discussion

A description of the obtained results, their interpretation and/or comparison with previously obtained own results or results published by other researchers is provided.


The main scientific results presented in the article are briefly formulated. The conclusions should logically correspond to the set tasks.


This section is optional. In it, the authors can express gratitude to organizations, communities, individual departments of organizations and specific individuals for any support not provided for in the Funding section.


A mandatory section. It specifies the sources of external funding for the study, indicating the funding organization, the grant number or other number that allows the funding organization to identify the source, and the title of the funded topic. If not all of the study was funded, then it should be indicated what part of it received financial support. If there was no external funding, it should be stated - The study did not receive external funding.

Conflict of Interest

The purpose of the conflict of interest statement is to maintain transparency, trust, integrity, and ethical standards. In this regard, the author(s) should disclose potential and obvious conflicts of interest related to the research presented in the manuscript that could influence the author(s) of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data, or a change in their interpretation.

Optional conflict of interest statement:

The author declares that he/she has no conflict of interest.

Possible, but not exhaustive, conflict of interest statement options:

The study was commissioned and supported by X. X had no role in or influence on the selection of subjects, methods, data collection, data interpretation, or manuscript preparation.

The study was funded by X. X participated in the selection of subjects and methods. X had no role in or influence on the collection of data, data processing, data interpretation, or manuscript preparation.

The equipment (or consumables) for conducting the study were provided free of charge by the company "Y". The company did not participate in conducting the study and did not influence the collection of data, their processing, interpretation, or preparation of the manuscript.

The equipment (or consumables) for conducting the study were provided free of charge by the company "Y". Representatives of the company participated in the development of the experimental design and plan, as well as in the selection of objects of the study. The company did not participate in and did not influence the collection of data, their processing, interpretation, or preparation of the manuscript.

Author "Z" is an employee of the company "X", which provided the equipment for the study.

Author "W" is a co-author of the apple variety "A" (patent for selection achievement No. 000).

Author "Q" has presented (or will present) at the conference the results of studies using preparations (or equipment) of the company "X". Financial support for participation in the conference (registration fee or honorarium for speaking, etc.) was provided by company "X".

Authors should be aware that the presence of a conflict of interest of one or more authors IS NOT a violation of the ethics of scientific publications and grounds for refusal to publish an article. Declaration of a conflict of interest demonstrates the responsible approach of the authors to conducting the research and publishing its results. An undeclared conflict of interest is recognized as a violation of ethics and, if editors or third parties discover that the author(s) are hiding a potential or obvious conflict of interest, this may be the reason for refusal to consider and publish the manuscript or its retraction.


These guidelines are intended for foreign authors only

Examples of formatting sources for the "References" section.

  1. The list of references is formatted in APA style, 7th edition.
  2. For original articles, the minimum number of sources no older than 20 years is 10.
  3. For review articles, the minimum number of sources no older than 20 years is 40.
  4. The number of sources older than 20 years is no more than 20% of the total.
  5. Self-citation - up to 3 sources in original articles and up to 5 in review articles, the author or co-author of which is the author (authors) of the article.
  6. It is recommended to use articles in scientific journals, articles in conference proceedings, monographs, patents for the preparation of the manuscript.
  7. The following shall not be used as sources and shall not be included in the list of references:
    • unpublished works (dissertations, dissertation abstracts, research reports);
    • educational textbooks, teaching aids, and other educational literature;
    • materials from non-scientific or popular science publications (newspapers, magazines).
  8. The list of references does not include national standards, laws, regulations, decrees and other regulatory acts. It is sufficient to indicate their number and, if necessary, the title in the text of the manuscript.
  9. Cited sources are listed in alphabetical order.
  10. If the cited publication is written in a language that does not use the Latin alphabet, then the official (published) English translation of the title of the article and the title of the publication of the cited publication is provided. In the absence of a published translation, a free translation is allowed. The language of the publication is indicated at the end of the bibliographic description, for example, (in Russian). The presence of an abstract in English is indicated after the language of publication, separated by a comma, for example, (in Russian, English abstract).
  11. If the cited source is written in a language using the Latin alphabet, it is given in the original language. In this case, the language of the publication is indicated in brackets after the reference, with the exception of publications in English, for example, (In Italian). The presence of an abstract in English is indicated by a comma after the language in which the work is published, for example, (in Russian, English abstract).
  12. The journal titles are given in full. Without abbreviations. Even if there is a generally accepted abbreviated journal title.
  13. If the cited article has a DOI, it should be indicated in the hyperlink format. If there is no DOI, but the electronic version is available on the Internet, the full URL of the cited source should be indicated. In this case, the URL, no matter how long it is, should redirect the reader to the page with the borrowed information, and not to the main page of the site.
  14. Publications with conference materials that have ISSN, volume and/or issue numbers (Acta horticulturae, E3S Web of conferences, etc.) are formatted according to the rules for articles in journals.
  15. The list of references in the GOST style is compiled by the editorial board of the journal, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Supplementary Materials

This section contains tables, figures, videos and other materials at the discretion of the author(s).

This section should contain large tables with data and figures that cannot be placed on an A4 page without loss of readability, as well as materials that may not be directly related to the content of the article, but provide a complete picture of the conduct, methods and results of the study.

The list of supplementary materials is given as a list, for example, like this.

Supplementary Materials

Table 1s - Table Title

Table 2s - Table Title

Figure 1s - Figure Title

Video 1s - Video Title

The letter "s" identifies the material as supplementary.

Files with supplementary materials with names that allow them to be compared with the list of supplementary materials are attached to the upload form.

Authors details

Authors information is given in the following order:

Full Name, academic degree, academic title, position, full title of organization and structural unit, personal email, ORCID.

Authors details

Erica Mustermann, PhD in Agriculture, associate professor, chief researcher in pome fruit breeding laboratory of Plant Genetic Research Institute,

ORCID: 0001-0002-0003-0004

Requirements for the design of a cover letter

Before sending an article via the website, the author (authors) must take care of a scanned copy of the cover letter, which is uploaded at the appropriate stage of submitting the article via the journal website.

The letter on the letterhead must be signed by the head of the organization, branch, faculty, institute, or his/her deputy.
Below are the forms of letters for publications with one author and with several authors in *.rtf format. Before signing, the author (authors) must familiarize themselves with the contents of the letter, since it contains a number of obligations that the author (authors) undertake or guarantee their fulfillment.

Letter form for one author 
Letter form for several authors


The process of uploading an article will take minimal time and effort if you perform a number of steps in advance. One of the authors must register on the National Platform of Periodical Scientific Publications and prepare the information required for uploading in electronic form.

  1. Mandatory information requested during registration:
    • username (login)
    • login password
    • full name
    • email address
  2. Optional, but recommended information:
    • initials
    • gender
    • phone
    • URL
    • Country
    • ORCID ID
    • SPIN code
    • Scopus Author ID
    • ResearcherId
    • Affiliation. When specifying several institutions, they are separated by a semicolon
    • Signature
    • Mailing Address
    • Bio Statement
  3. In the Confirmation section, check the box " Send me a confirmation email including my username and password".
  4. In the Working Language section, select "English".
  5. In the Register section, check all the boxes (reader, author, reviewer). In the field that opens, specify your specialization as a reviewer.
  6. In the Legal Information section, check all the boxes.
  7. Check the box to pass the robot check.
  8. To complete the registration, be sure to click the REGISTER button.

After registration, the author will be able to submit the manuscript for publication in our journal. To upload the manuscript, you will need:

The manuscript of the article, formatted in accordance with the Author guidelines.

  1. A scan (photo) of a cover letter on official letterhead, signed by the corresponding author and the head of the organization (branch, institute or other structural division of the organization) or deputy head of the organization (branch, institute or other structural division of the organization).
  2. Files of all illustrations used in the article (photographs, graphs, diagrams, etc.). It is also necessary to prepare captions to the illustrations for copying and pasting.
  3. Files of tables that were partially used in the article, because they did not fit into the frames specified in the rules for authors. It is also necessary to prepare table titles for copying and pasting.
  4. Additional materials (text files, photos, videos, presentations, tables, etc.) that the author wishes to post in addition to the manuscript. Additional materials must have their titles for copying and pasting.
  5. Prepare for copying and pasting:
    • full names of all authors
    • affiliations of all authors
    • email addresses of all authors

When submitting a manuscript to the editor for review, authors must agree to all of the following points. The manuscript may be returned to the authors if it does not meet them.

  1. The manuscript of the article has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the section "Author Guidelines"
  2. All authors have read and agreed to submit the manuscript for publication
  3. The author (authors) have read and acceded to the author's agreement (public offer)


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • The manuscript of the article has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the section "Author Guidelines"

  • All authors have read and agreed to submit the manuscript for publication

  • The author (authors) have read and acceded to the author's agreement (public offer)


Copyright Notice

Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following terms:

  • The authors retain copyright of the work and grant this journal first publication rights under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits others to distribute the work provided they maintain proper attribution to the original authors and to the journal.
  • The authors retain the right to enter into separate contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published here (e.g. by depositing it in an institutional repository, publishing it in a book), with a link back to its original publication in this journal.
  • The authors have the right to make their work available online (e.g. in an institutional repository or on a personal website) before and during its consideration by this journal, as this may lead to productive discussion and increased citation of the work (see Effect of Open Access).

The exclusive license granted by the authors permits the publisher to use the work in the following ways:

  • to reproduce the article or any part thereof, as well as the article metadata in Russian and foreign languages, in any material form, including on paper and electronic media, as a separate work in the publisher's journals and/or databases (local or on the Internet) and/or other persons at the publisher's discretion;
  • to distribute the article or an individual part thereof, as well as the article metadata in Russian and foreign languages, on any medium as part of the publisher's journal and/or databases or other persons at the publisher's discretion or as an independent work throughout the world on an open access basis or for a fee without payment of remuneration to the authors;
  • to make the article or an individual part thereof, as well as the article metadata in Russian and foreign languages, available to the public in such a way that any person can access the article from any place and at any time of their choice (including via the Internet);
  • issuance of permission/permission to use the article or its individual parts, as well as the article metadata in Russian and foreign languages ​​to third parties with notification of the author by posting the relevant information on the journal's website without paying the author remuneration;
  • processing, including translation of the article into foreign languages, and use of the processed (translated) articles in the above-mentioned ways.

Other rights not directly transferred by the authors to the publisher, including patent rights to any processes, methods or techniques, etc., described by the authors in the article, as well as rights to trademarks, are retained by the authors.

The print-version of the License Agreement


Privacy Statement

The editorial board of the journal and the administration of the journal's website do not transfer personal information, in any way indicated by users when working with the journal's website, to third parties, except for those cases and to the extent specified in the terms of the author's agreement.

The place of work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication, their identifiers in scientometric databases, will be published in the "Authors" section on the article page on the journal's website.

The phone number of the author responsible for correspondence will be known only to the editors and will be used only in case of emergency.


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