
Ogarev-online is an electronic open access academic journal established in 2013. The journal is named after the Russian poet and essayist, Nikolay Platonovich Ogarev, whose name was also given to Mordovia State University.

The journal is multidisciplinary. This means that we publish the results of original research of young scientists and scholars, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students, teachers, young researchers, and practitioners in a wide range of sciences and humanities.

All articles submitted to the journal are subject to peer review, which ensures a high scientific level of publications. The editorial board keep up high scientific standards and follow strict ethical rules.

The journal is included in the scientific citation database Russian Citation Index, the electronic scientific library CyberLeninka, and the bibliographic database Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory.

Articles are published free of charge based on the open access principles. Authors are not paid any fees.
Registry Entry: ЭЛ № ФС 77 – 52910 от 20.02.2013

Founder: National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University

Editor-in-Chief: Aleksandr M. Davydkin, PhD

Frequency / Access: 16 issues per year / Open

Included in: RISC

Current Issue

Vol 12, No 5 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue


Features of using common nouns in the meaning of proper nouns in the poetry of M. I. Tsvetaeva of 1917-1921
Belova N.A., Nekaeva V.N.

The article presents the main results of a study of the peculiarities of the use of common nouns in the meaning of proper names in the poetry of M. I. Tsvetaeva of 1917–1921. The authors' attention is focused on identifying the range of objects that are referred in the poetic texts by common nouns in the meaning of proper nouns, identifying their semantic groups, and determining the stylistic functions performed by these linguistic units in poetic texts.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
The image of russian manor in the poetry of A. K. Tolstoy
Dvoryanina A.G.

The article is devoted to the study of the image of manor in the lyrics of A. K. Tolstoy. The study reveals the ways and techniques of creating the image of the Russian manor. The ideological and artistic role of the techniques is analyzed. The features that recreate different facets of the image of the manor estate and its components, mainly in traditional forms typical for poetry with manor motifs, are identified. The analysis makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the special role of the mundane in the portrayal of the manor world going back in time.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Arabic and Persian images in the poetry of N. Gumilyov
Ibrahim K.

The article is devoted to the study of Arabic and Persian images in the poetry N.S. Gumilyov, starting from the first collection of poems "The Ways of the Conquistadors" (1905) and concluding with the poet's last lifetime collection "The Pillar of Fire" (1921), which reflects the journey of the lyrical hero through various exotic countries, primarily in Asia and Africa. Describing the amazing flora and fauna of the Arab countries, the poet was looking for a dialogue with Arab culture in general, went in the direction of studying both Arab medieval poets and the Muslim world. 

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
"Garshinsky type" in the interpretation of A. P. Chekhov: a study of the short story "Seizure"
Levkina O.S.

The article considers the "Garshinsky type" in the interpretation of A. P. Chekhov. By means of a comparative analysis of Chekhov's short story "Seizure" and Garshin's works, the common features of this type and the individual author's vision of the character are revealed. In the course of the analysis, the focus is on such personal traits of Garshin's characters as hypersensitivity, honesty, and the ability to sacrifice oneself.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Word formation of determinative adverbs in the Russian dialects of Mordovia
Ershova N.I., Mitrofanova Y.Y.

The article describes the main ways of forming determinative adverbs in the Russian dialects of Mordovia. The authors identify the parts of speech that act as producing ones and define the main word formation affixes. The general specificity of the ways of word formation on dialect material in comparison with the literary Russian language is revealed.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Reflection of cultural and historical peculiarities in the vocabulary and phraseology of Russian dialects of Mordovia
Denisova L.N., Rebrova I.A.

The article provides an analysis of the semantic features of dialect verbs and phraseological units belonging to the thematic group of "Agriculture". Dialect units describing various types of work during harvesting, hay-making are studied on the material of Russian dialects of Mordovia. The analysis of the dialect units reveals a fragment of the national linguistic worldview.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Poetics of M. A. Sholokhov’s story "The resentment"
Usanova A.V.

The article is devoted to understanding the poetics of M. A. Sholokhov’s story «The Resentment». The study shows the uniqueness of the artistic world created in the work at the level of the artistic idea, the system of images, the psychological picture of the character’s personality and poetic language.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
The concept of Culture in the Russian linguistic consciousness
Gorbunova L.G., Fomina A.S.

The article attempts to describe the concept of culture through the representation of conceptual layers, the compatibility and consolidation of linguistic units. The study proves the idea of the conceptual essence of vocabulary and helps to better understand the specifics of a nationally oriented consciousness, the conditionality of the speaker's intentions within the framework of background knowledge and the nature of communication.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Phraseological units with color component in Russian and Chinese languages
Mochalova T.I., Tsin T.

The article provides an analysis of phraseological units with color component in the Russian and Chinese languages. These collocations can be used to characterize a person, nominate objects and phenomena of the world around. A comparative analysis of the phraseological units makes it possible to identify linguistic and cultural features in the perception of color by representatives of Russia and China.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):
Historical changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language: a study of the lexico-semantic group "Jewelry"
Budarina A.A.

The article provides an analysis of the lexemes included into group "Jewelry" of the Russian language of different time periods. The data of the Russian dictionaries is studied to observe how the content of lexico-sematic group "Jewelry" has been changing since Old Russian times till the present time. A historical classification of the lexico-semantic group is suggested. The results of a survey of native speakers of the modern Russian language are analyzed. As a result, the lexemes of passive and active vocabulary of the language are revealed.

Ogarëv-online. 2024;12(5):

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