Cultural peculiarities of Russia-Eurasia in Savitskiy’s conception

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The paper is aimed at P.N. Savitskiy’s evaluation of cultural peculiarities of Russia-Eurasia. As a leader of the Eurasianism, he based his works on the main idea of the movement, which is the acceptance of «Eurasian» civilization. The influence of the Eurasia concept was the key point to the whole concept of the Eurasianship and the views of its individual representatives. The reality of a new continent existence determined the texts of Eurasianists, made it necessary to search for the system in a variety of features, and in the system itself to see an ordering that could not be connected with anything else than with a new continent. Cultural peculiarities of Russia-Eurasia were conditioned by its geographic expansion and its political factors. P.N. Savitskiy admitted the importance of the Orthodox Church in Russia-Eurasia history. According to P.N. Savitsky’s mind Russia is «the third great Eurasian culture». However, the essentializing of Eurasia led to certain contradictions in the views of different representatives of the movement as well as of each Eurasian. According to the scientist, the manner of the new civilization development led inevitably to the «Eurasian» Russian future.

About the authors

Vladimir Yurevich Bystryukov

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.

candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of World History, Law and Methods of Teaching Department

Russian Federation, Samara


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