Comparative review of methodologies for estimating the cost of adverse drug reactions in the Russian Federation and Brazil

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The aim of the review article was to highlight the methodologies for assessing the financial costs of adverse drug reactions exemplified by the Russian Federation and Brazil.

Materials and methods: for a comparative analysis, materials from open sources were used. The study of the experience of methods used for assessing the burden of adverse drug reactions, was carried out using the system for calculating payments for medical care by clinical-statistical and clinical-profile groups, the methodology for assessing the severity of adverse events of the US National Cancer Institute, drug-associated problems, and “the decision tree” model.

Results. When comparing the costs of ADR management in the Russian Federation and Brazil, the following results have been obtained: in the Russian Federation, the “cost” of reaction can be estimated only for a limited number of nosological groups that are regulated by the classification of diseases by clinical and statistical groups; in Brazil, when predicting the costs of adverse reactions management, the combination of “the decision tree” method and the Delphi method is used. In the Russian Federation, the cost of the 3rd and above severity adverse event (according to CTCAE v. 4.03), varies from 26,849.22 up to 26,196.37 RUB in the North-West region (St. Petersburg). In Brazil, the cost of ADR ranges from 13 USD (the best scenario for the patient) to 574 USD (the worst scenario for the patient), which is about 975 and 43,000 RUB, respectively. The introduction of methods that make it possible to predict the development and potential outcomes of adverse drug reactions, as well as taking into account the experiences of foreign colleagues in their modeling, will reduce economic costs in the Russian Federation at the federal level.

Conclusion: for the economic value analysis and further forecasting, an improvement of existing methodologies is required. The models used in the Russian Federation (“the decision tree”, classification of diseases by clinical groups, Markov model) do not take into account the time factor, therefore, when planning the analysis of potential costs for adverse reactions, it is necessary to reinforce the methods with such tools as QALY, YLL, and YLD.

About the authors

Gulnara I. Syraeva

First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov; Research Center ”Eco-safety”

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6635-9786

clinical pharmacologist, the head of the department of quality control and quality assurance of clinical trials; postgraduate student of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology

Russian Federation, 6–8, Lev Tolstoy St., St. Petersburg, 197022; 65, Yuri Gagarin Ave., St. Petersburg, 196143

Aleksey S. Kolbin

First St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov; Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky (structural unit) of “Crimean Federal University named after S.I. Vernadsky”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1919-2909

Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, the Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine; Professor of the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine

Russian Federation, 6–8, Lev Tolstoy St., St. Petersburg, 197022; 5/7, Lenin Bul., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295007

Alexander V. Matveev

Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky (structural unit) of “Crimean Federal University named after S.I. Vernadsky”; Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education (RMA CPE)

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6636-3950

Candidate of Sciences (Medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 with a course in Clinical Pharmacology; Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy department

Russian Federation, 5/7, Lenin Bul., Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, 295007; Bld. 1, 2/1, Barrikadnaya St., Moscow, 125993

Vera S. Panezhina

Research Center ”Eco-safety”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5602-5536

a general practitioner, a doctor of functional diagnostics

Russian Federation, 65, Yuri Gagarin Ave., St. Petersburg, 196143


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure 1 – An example of a possible Markov cycle, where Px are the probabilities of transition from one condition to another

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Copyright (c) 2020 Syraeva G.I., Kolbin A.S., Matveev A.V., Panezhina V.S.

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