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One of the most promising areas of dental caries prophylaxis is remineralizing therapy aimed at normalizing the mineral composition of tooth enamel. As a result of a set of scientific, experimental and clinical studies, gels and drug films for the treatment of enamel caries have been developed.The aim of this work is to study remineralizing activity of dosage forms for the treatment of initial enamel caries.Materials and methods. As active pharmaceutical substances in dosage forms, calcium chloride (FS 42-0006-5675-04 P.003964.01), potassium phosphate disubstituted (FS 42-1297-79), sodium fluoride (PS.2.2.0013.15), auxiliary substances – gelling agent sodium-carboxymethylcellulose (sodium-CMC) C75 (TU 6-55-39-90), plasticizer glycerin (PS.2.2.0006.15), purified water (PS.2.2.0020.15) – have been used. Remineralizing activity was studied by the method of determination of calcium and phosphorus in the enamel ash in vitro. The study of remineralizing activity was carried out by the method of determination of calcium and phosphorus in the enamel ash in vitro. Quantitative determination of calcium was carried out by reverse complexometric titration, and the one of phosphorus was carried out by photoelectrocolorimetry. The electro-metric study of the enamel electrical conductivity was also carried out in vivo with the help of the Dentest device (Geosoft).Results and discussion. The method of determination of calcium and phosphorus in the enamel ash in vitro is based on tooth ashing and the subsequent determination of calcium and phosphorus in it by chemical and instrumental methods. Basing on the results obtained, it has been established that gel and drug films used for enamel caries treatment significantly increase the content of calcium and phosphorus in tooth enamel. The conducted electrometric study confirmed the increase in the hardness of the enamel structure due to its remineralization after the use of drug films.Conclusion. As a result of the studies conducted in vivo and in vitro, it has been established that the developed dosage forms have a remineralizing effect and can be recommended for increasing the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of the initial enamel caries.

About the authors

A. L. Golovanenko

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy


E. V. Tretyakova

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy


E. S. Patlusova

Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital


I. V. Alekseeva

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy


E. S. Berezina

Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy


R. G. Pershina

FSAEI HE “Perm State Medical University” n.a. E.A. Vagner



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Copyright (c) 2018 Golovanenko A.L., Tretyakova E.V., Patlusova E.S., Alekseeva I.V., Berezina E.S., Pershina R.G.

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