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The importance of the pharmaceutical safety of the palliative care system, good timing of its delivery, accessibility and quality have been actively discussed in the professional environment only for the latest 4–5 years. Despite the urgency of the direction in question, the necessary number of pharmacies licensed for trafficking in narcotic drugs,psychotropic substances and their precursors has not yet been determined. The aim of the article is the optimization process of palliative pharmaceutical care system aimed at timely and prompt provision of patients with opioi analgesics in the right assortment and the required volume in Novokuznetsk of the Kemerovo region. Materials and methods.To carry out the research, the following materials and methods have been used: the content analysis of outpatient cards of 17 polyclinics in five districts of Novokuznetsk (750 cards), photo-timing data of pharmaceutical workers on prescription of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors (39,964 prescriptions), sociological survey(questionnaires) of 101 district therapists, social workers and patients (their legal representatives) for the period of 2014-2017, cluster modeling of the palliative care process. Results and discussion. The retrospective content analysis of 750 outpatient cards, photo-timing data for 39,964 prescriptions for narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors for the period of 2014–2017 have shown an increase in the load per pharmacist. The introduction of a cluster model of interaction between medical and pharmaceutical staff at the outpatient stage of palliative care minimizesthe time spent on performing auxiliary procedures. Conclusion. In the conditions of an industrial center for 100 thousand inhabitants, at least one pharmacy organization dealing with the release of narcotic drug and psychotropic substances and their precursors is necessary for the proper and stable provision of patients in need of palliative care. Such a specialized pharmacy should be located in the territory with a good transport interchange, and its specialists are obliged to regularly raise the professional qualifications in the sphere of palliative care provision. One of the effectiveways to improve the quality and timeliness of the choice of anesthesia tactics, the necessary adjustment is the cluster organization of palliative care, based on the close professional relationship of medical and pharmaceutical personnel, ensuring the proper pharmaceutical safety of patients.

About the authors

I. A. Tueva

Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors – a branch of The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Training” of The Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation


L. N. Geller

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


A. L. Myimrina

Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors – a branch of The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Training” of The Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation


L. A. Escheva

Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors – a branch of The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Training” of The Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation


I. V. Vidyasova

Novokuznetsk State Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors – a branch of The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education “Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Training” of The Ministry of Health of The Russian Federation



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Copyright (c) 2018 Tueva I.A., Geller L.N., Myimrina A.L., Escheva L.A., Vidyasova I.V.

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