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Kuril tea is a popular plant of traditional medicine of China and Mongolia. The available scientifi c evidence indicates the presence of the plant expressed antioxidant properties, conjugated with the presence of polyphenols. The plant has also a number of other pharmacological effects, in particular antibacterial, fungicidal, hypoglycemic, anti-infl ammatory and antiulcer. However, the content of polyphenols in the plant varies greatly depending on the geological growing region, which affects its therapeutic activity. Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the  qualitative composition of polyphenols in P. fruticosa L. for further standardization of its raw materials. Materials and methods. As a research object, a sample of P. fruticosa L. herb collected in the Altai Territory was taken. The analysis was carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography in the reversed-phase version. Results and discussion. The chemical composition of the plant is has been established. It includes 18 compounds of polyphenolic nature, represented by glycosides and aglyconsflavonols, proanthocyanidins, oxycinnamic acids, ellagatannins. By the method of internal normalization, the relative content of each component in the sum is has been calculated. As a result, glycosides of quercetin have been found to prevail. After acid hydrolysis the composition of aglyconflavonols was determined. It included quercetin, kaempferol and ramnetin, with predominance of quercetin. One of the components of acid hydrolysis was cyanidine, which is a strong proof of the presence of proanthocyanidins in the plant. A fairly high content of proanthocyanidins amounting to about 24% of the total amount of polyphenols is typical of it. Conclusion. The obtained results make it possible to assert that standardization of the investigated object can be carried out in terms of quercetin as the dominant component of the sum of polyphenols after preliminary hydrolysis. 

About the authors

A. Yu. Malyutina

Belgorod National State Research University of the Russian Federation


A. V. Pravlotskaya

Belgorod National State Research University of the Russian Federation


O. O. Novikov

Belgorod National State Research University of the Russian Federation


D. I. Pisarev

Belgorod National State Research University of the Russian Federation



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Copyright (c) 2018 Malyutina A.Y., Pravlotskaya A.V., Novikov O.O., Pisarev D.I.

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