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The articles describes the results of "Ayafrol, 3% ointment" phytopreparation bioaccessibility study on the basis of essential oil of Ajania fruticulosa for local treatment of wounds. We have studied pharmacokinetics of the phytopreparation with estimation of intensity of essential oil components general action on organism after its penetration in systemic blood. The method is based on isolated liquid extraction of substances from serum of experimental animals. The results showed that there was no cumulation of phytopreparation components in system blood in 24 hours exposition while applying it locally. High concentration of a substance may occur directly on the wound surface. Thus Ayafrol ointment components are oriented on a local action towards wounds, directly in a place of contact of wound surface.

About the authors

S. M Adekenov

“Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

E. M Turgunov

Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Email: turgunov@kgmu.kz

G. A Atazhanova

“Fitohimiya” International scientific and manufacturing holding, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

I. S Azizov

Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Email: azizov@kgmu.kz

V. S Tritek

Life Sciences Center, Nazarbaev University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Email: tritek.v@yandex.kz

R. M Badyrov

Karaganda State Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Email: badyrov_ruslan@bk.ru


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Copyright (c) 2014 Adekenov S.M., Turgunov E.M., Atazhanova G.A., Azizov I.S., Tritek V.S., Badyrov R.M.

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