Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology

ISSN (print): 2304-9790, ISSN (online): 2541-9013

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Ағымдағы шығарылым

Том 12, № 4 (2023)


Бүкіл шығарылым


Scientific schools of the faculty of psychological, pedagogical and special needs education of Saratov State University: The diachronic aspect
Firsova T., Shamionov R., Aleksandrova E., Selivanova Y.
.The relevance of the study is due to the objective necessity to generalize the main trends of scientifi c research that have been developed earlier with the intergenerational communication and development of modern scientifi c schools of the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Needs Education of the Saratov State University, which is celebrating its 45th anniversary in November 2023. The purpose of the study is to generalize the experience of formation and development of scientifi c schools of the Faculty of Psychological, Pedagogical and Special Needs Education of Saratov State University from the diachronic perspective. Methods (tools): retrospective and comparative analysis of the data from scientifi c and bibliographic sources. Results. The contemporary psychological school is presented through the prism of the scientifi c interests of Professor I. V. Strakhov, the pedagogical one is represented through the works of academician N. F. Posnansky, the defectological school is analyzed through the works of the founder of Russian typhlopedagogics (methods of teaching the blind) A. A. Krogius. The study analyzes the works of V. I. Balayeva, K. F. Sedov, G. K. Parinova, E. A. Alexandrova, R. M. Shamionov, M. V. Grigorieva, Yu. V. Selivanova and other methodologists in a retrospective and perspective aspects. For the fi rst time, an attempt has been made to outline the origins of the methodological school of the faculty. The study also presents the experience of several generations of the faculty teachers connected with their participation in the creation of federal and regional textbooks for schools and workbooks for students, which was predetermined by the series of publications “Pedagogical Institute for the School”. The range of modern scientifi c and methodological interests of the faculty stuff is systematized: grant projects, initiative research topics of the faculty chairs, the agenda of the dissertation boards. Moreover, the study presents the faculty research cluster: it has specifi ed the existing laboratories, centers, and equipment for collecting empirical data. Conclusion. The study has summarized the experience of the formation and development of scientifi c and methodological schools of the faculty. It has identifi ed traditional research issues that are characteristic of all the stages of diachronic development and the transformed research topics and/or the issues that re-emerged under the infl uence of the public demand of the modern world and the current socio-cultural situation.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):288-304
pages 288-304 views
The infl uence of career counseling on the values and motivation of adolescents
Volkova E., Kaptsov A.
A relevant problem of pedagogical psychology is to provide eff ective career counseling services that would aid students to make a conscious career decision. Psychological characteristics of optants (high school students who choose a profession) in some sense imbricate with such a personal quality as subjectivity, which is manifested in adolescents’ values and motivation. One of the ways to help students choose a profession can be career guidance courses and trainings aimed at aiding students to make a conscious career decision. The goal of the research is to justify the use of such a training in order to ease the diffi culties for adolescents to choose a profession and develop values and increase motivation, and as a consequence, to develop subjectivity. The hypothesis is as follows: career counseling eases the diffi culties for adolescents to choose a profession and contributes to the development of values and boosts motivation. Study participants: 9th grade students (N = 54) of the Samara secondary school, who were divided into two groups: experimental and control. The participants of the experimental group (n = 25; M = 14.8; SD = 0.41; 40% of women) had a career counseling session once a week for 15 weeks. The control group (n = 29; M = 14.9; SD = 0.36; 52% of women) studied according to a conventional curriculum. Methods (tools): The diagnosis was performed with a time interval of 19 weeks. A projective technique for assessing the phases of the subjectivity formation in students (E. S. Volkova, A. V. Kaptsov) was used to assess the real, possible and ideal phases of the subjectivity formation and their changes after the training. A questionnaire on the diffi culties of making a decision about choosing a profession (CDDQ, I. Gati, M. Kraus and S. Osipov, adapted by E. S. Volkova) was used to determine the problems of the ninth-graders when choosing a profession. Results: The research has demonstrated the positive eff ect of the training on easing the diffi culties to choose a profession, as well as on the development of the motivational component of subjectivity; the training has increased the value of the educational activity expressed by the growth of the indicator of the ideal phase of the “master” stage of subjectivity in the experimental group. In ideal and possible phases of subjectivity formation, the experimental group has demonstrated the phenomenon of self-organization in terms of the formation of attractors, as a result of which the phases of subjectivity formation take place. The main conclusions. Career counseling eases the diffi culties for high school students to choose a profession; it promotes the development of values and boosts motivation, and as a result, it helps to form the subjectivity in students; additionally, it promotes the phenomenon of self-organization in an ideal phase of subjectivity formation, which may potentially aff ect the real phase of subjectivity formation in the future.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):305-314
pages 305-314 views
Social and psychological determinants of an individual’s attitude to unmanned transport
Saenko A.
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the technology of unmanned transport is being tested more and more actively and is gradually introduced into our lives promising various advantages. Meanwhile, it is stated that an unmanned vehicle causes distrust, unlike a driver-driven vehicle. The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical review of Russian and foreign literature in the fi eld of studying people’s attitudes to innovative technologies and to identify the social and psychological determinants of the individual’s attitude to unmanned vehicles. The research methods: theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literature studying attitudes to innovative technologies, artifi cial intelligence, as well as unmanned motor transport. Results. The study has considered the formation of the concept of diff usion of innovations. Modern models of technology adoption have been studied. The article highlights a number of social and psychological determinants of a person’s attitude to an unmanned vehicle. The main conclusions. The conducted theoretical research allows us to conclude that the attitude of an individual to the unmanned transport technologies is a multifactorial phenomenon that is formed under the infl uence of various psychosocial factors. It is concluded that it is necessary to structure the process of introducing the unmanned vehicle technology from the standpoint of the socio-psychological attitude of an individual to such a technology.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):315-323
pages 315-323 views
Nurses’ ideas about the age-related evolution of the subject’s qualities: Dynamics and resources
Sizova L., Tolochek V.
The relevance of the study is determined the following: increase in the duration of a person’s working life and the expansion of the articulate components of its quality create a socially and psychologically signifi cant “second reality”, by which we mean subjective ideas about one’s profession, about one’s career, and about their social success. The research purpose is to study the ideas of the professional activity subjects about the age-related evolution of their qualities. The article hypothesizes the following ideas: 1) The subjects’ ideas about their professional and working life act as conditions that aff ect the dynamics of their professional evolution. 2) Social experience acts as a factor that infl uences the subjects’ ideas about the age-related evolution of their qualities. Participants: nurses (N = 82), women aged from 21 to 67, Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after Professor S. V. Ochapovsky (Krasnodar). Methods (tools): the locus of subjective control was determined by means of the subjective control questionnaire (SCQ) (J. Rotter adapted by E. F. Bazhina, S. A. Golykina, A. M. Etkind); the original author’s methodology (“Dynamics of Professional Career Questionnaire”) (L. A. Sizova, V. A. Tolochek), which includes several groups of the most informative questions (previously tested and characterized by satisfactory reliability as the technique ‘items’): A) ideas about the dynamics of positive development, that is the development of professionally important qualities at the age of 20–65: 1) learning ability; 2) intuition in the professional sphere; 3) physical performance; 4) intellectual performance. B) ideas about the dynamics of the negative phenomena increase at the age of 20–65: 1) occupational destructions; 2) occupational diseases; 3) life crises. The third set of questions (C) is focused on the respondents’ refl ection on the role of various “factors” in their professional development. Such factors as parents, relatives, friends, family members, work groups, special circumstances, science, art, and religion are considered. The fourth block (D) took into account the socio-demographic and offi cial job-position characteristics of the respondents. Results: working hypotheses have been confi rmed. The research shows that: 1) the use of the original author’s methodology made it possible to identify important “nodes” in the studied connections and determinants, and to identify both typical and professionally specifi c features of the dynamics of the subjects’ age-related evolution; 2) when getting the task of presenting their integral working life, people adequately describe its overall dynamics. At the same time, the level of refl ection in the sample as a whole seems to be insuffi cient, adequate not in every aspect; 3) the subjects’ assessments (nurses of a large medical institution) of the role of external conditions, which optimize and/or aggravate the dynamics of evolution/involution of their qualities and functions, are liable to the powerful infl uence of indirect factors (media, etc.). This refl ects the relevant tasks of correcting negative distortions of social perception of fragments of social reality, as well as the real possibilities of managing people’s ideas about their professional career. Main conclusions: the issue of professional careers in the areas with a “fl at hierarchy” is of current importance and requires further study.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):324-335
pages 324-335 views
Overcoming stressful situations and professional burnout of nurses: Analysis of the network
Leonov I.
The relevance of the research is due to the fact thatmethods of coping with stress are an important predictor of professional burnout. However, previous studies have focused on the assessment of two-dimensional correlations, and did not take into account the complex structure of connections of coping methods both with each other and with the symptoms of professional burnout. The use of a network approach allows us to overcome this limitation. The purpose of the study is to reconstruct the network of correlations between the ways of coping with stressful situations and professional burnout and also to describe this network. The research hypothesis that ways of coping with stressful situations form clusters of nodes which are connected with each other and with burnout symptoms, contributing to the manifestation of nurses’ burnout. Participants: 97 nurses (Udmurt Republic) aged from 24 to 71 years old (M = 46.58; SD = 9.54) with work experience from 2 to 53 years (M = 24.95; SD = 9.92). Methods: “Dealing with Diffi cult Life Situations Questionnaire” (by W. Janke, G. Erdmann), which allows to evaluate 20 dispositional ways to overcome stressful situations, and “Maslach Burnout Inventory for Medical Personnel” (by C. Maslach, S. Jackson), aimed at studying the symptoms of burnout; network analysis. Results: the study has revealed that ways of coping with stressful situations form intercorrelated clusters. The nodes of the fi rst cluster are aimed at reducing stress and are associated with professionalism as a symptom of burnout, and the nodes of the second cluster contribute to stress growing and are associated with emotional exhaustion and cynicism. The central node of the fi rst cluster is the desire to successfully solve the problem, and the central node of the second cluster is the inability to distract from the problem. Conclusion: the results obtained are consistent with the previous studies, but clarify them. The study describes the activation specifi cs of the identifi ed patterns based on the structure of correlations, which makes it possible to predict the response of the network under study to psychological infl uences. Practical significance: the research results can be useful for identifying indicators of professional burnout based on the observed patterns of stress management. The study is the fi rst one carried out in this area on the basis of a network approach. 
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):336-347
pages 336-347 views
Personality traits of a modern leader as seen by students
Arendachuk I.
The relevance of the research is due to the public demand for the development of youth leadership programs. Additionally, the leaders themselves express the need to take into account the ideas of the youth about their personal characteristics in order to develop effectively. The objective of the study is to identify characteristics that are signifi cant for a modern youth leader as seen by students themselves depending on their gender and age. Hypothesis: while young women attach more importance to ethic qualities of a youth leader, young men put more value on a leader’s professional qualities; and as students grow older, they are more focused on professional traits of their leader. Participants: students (N = 332) of Saratov universities aged between 18 and 25 (M = 20.4; SD = 1.9), 60.2% of young women. Methods (tools): questionnaire for the analysis of behavior and personal characteristics of youth leaders (I. V. Arendachuk, M. A. Klenova, N. V. Usova), which is based on the constructs of the “I am a leader” test (E. S. Fedorov, O. V. Eremin, in the modifi cation of T. A. Mironova), as well as the results of the research on the personal qualities of youth leaders (I. M. Filippov). Results. Regardless of their gender, students put most value on behavioral activity of their leader. For young women, the leader’s focus on self-development is important, young men attach importance to professional qualities. As young women grow older, these same qualities of a leader increase in importance; and with age, young men put less value on professional qualities of their leader. The main conclusions. Students are more focused on the behavioral activity of their eaders than on personal qualities, however, young women are more demanding of the personality of the leader than young men. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in psychological and pedagogical work with students to develop their leadership qualities that would allow them to be socially active and create positive changes in society
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):348-356
pages 348-356 views
Features of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists
Katkalo K.
The relevance of the research is determined by the increasing role of a teaching and learning psychologist in the educational process, as well as the need for a teaching and learning psychologist to meet the requirements of the modern education system. The purpose of the research is to study the types of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists, as well as the psychological predictors of such self-realization. The article puts forward the hypothesis that there are characteristic types of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists, whose predictors are the parameters of the motivational and semantic sphere, and instrumental and stylistic characteristics of the personality, as well as indicators of self-regulation and emotional stability. Participants: teaching and learning psychologists (N=164) of educational institutions in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region, including women (N = 150) and men (N = 14), aged 25 to 60 years; 32.4% have job experience of more than 10 years, 23.2% – from 5 to 10 years, 44.4% – less than 5 years. Methods (tools): Multidimensional Questionnaire of Personality Self-realization (S. I. Kudinov) was used to identify the features of self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists, Life Orientations Test (D. A. Leontiev) was used to identify the parameters of the motivational and semantic sphere, Resilience Test (E. N. Osin, E. I. Rasskazova) and Questionnaire of Volitional Self-control (A. G. Zverkov, E. V. Eidman) were used to study instrumental and stylistic characteristics and indicators of emotional stability, the technique of professional identity analysis (L. B. Schneider) was used to assess the parameters of professional development. Life Satisfaction Scale (E. Dinner adapted by D. A. Leontiev, E. N. Osin) and diagnostic methods of subjective well-being of the individual (R. M. Shamionov, T. V. Beskova) were used to assess the success of personal and professional self-realization. Results: the research has identifi ed the characteristic types of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists diff ering in the degrees of manifestation of its structural components: “positive”, “negative”, “imaginary” and “prospective”. Based on the three general factors: “life awareness”, “active life position” and “crisis of professional development”, the author has suggested the empirically confi rmed models of how psychological characteristics and types of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists are interrelated. The article also describes the predictors of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists. Main conclusions: the article has clarifi ed the features of personal and professional self-realization of teaching and learning psychologists as subjects of educational relations; additionally, the study has identifi ed the role of personal characteristics (motivational-semantic, instrumental-stylistic, emotional, resource) in achieving personal and professional self-realization, when the latter is the foundation of the subjective well-being and life satisfaction of teaching and learning psychologists in the conditions of modern transformations in the education system. The results of the study can be used to develop programs for personal and professional development, prevention of crises of professional development, psychological support of teaching and learning psychologist at diff erent stages of their professional paths and personal growth.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):357-372
pages 357-372 views
Professional development of teachers on the basis of a digital educational platform: Challenges to the expert community
Sklyarova T., Egorov I., Naumova D.
The relevance of the research lies in the fact that teachers often fail to cope with the tasks of digital communication and their own learning via digital platform, and therefore, digital means become a kind of a communication barrier for them, instead of being a unifying bond. The research objective is to summarize the experience of psychological and pedagogical interaction with the participants of the professional development program based on a digital educational platform in order to identify psychological and pedagogical defi ciencies of working teachers, who are enrolled in the professional development program, and the challenges faced by the experts of the training program. The study hypothesizes that the teacher-training professional development program, organized on the basis of a digital educational platform, will allow us to identify specifi c challenges to the expert community caused by the practice of exclusively distant interaction, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will help to identify professional defi ciencies of working teachers and to overcome them. Participants: 53 teachers working in diff erent regions of the Russian Federation aged from 21 to 70 years old with work experience from 1 to 40 years. Methods (tools): the questionnaire for fi xing the psychological and pedagogical problems of the interviewees and the signifi cance of the professional activity (by I. V. Egorov, D. V. Naumova, T. V. Sklyarova, L. B. Schneider), the expert method (included observation and expert assessments) to determine the manifestation of professional competencies of teachers. Results. The research results helped to fi nd out that under the conditions of online learning, teachers demonstrate commitment to the position of a passive participant/listener, rather than an active co-author of the process. It is shown that adult education (of teachers, in particular) becomes a challenge to the expert community: the established mental patterns, individual and habitual models of obtaining knowledge determine the internal resistance and distrust to digital learning tools. It is revealed that the key shortage of the students is insuffi cient digital communication. Conclusions: to overcome teacher defi ciencies the authors propose the construction of an individual educational route for professional development and the use of gamifi cation techniques in digital learning. Practical signifi cance: the results obtained will allow to adjust the professional development programs that are conducted via the digital platform
Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology. 2023;12(4):373-384
pages 373-384 views

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