Hybrid Warfare as a Preventive Defense of the United States in Modern Conditions




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The article is devoted to the actual problem of preparation and conduct of hybrid wars. It is noted that preventive defense is aimed at preventive blocking of potential threats before they can turn into real threats to the national interests of the United States. It is established that the multipolar world, the development of science and modern technologies indicate that the concept of absolute national security today is nothing more than a myth, today complete security and total defense are unattainable. The concept, essence of hybrid warfare and hybrid warfare through the geopolitical confrontation of states are considered. The basic principles of conducting and distinguishing features of hybrid warfare are determined. It is emphasized that, within the framework of the hybrid war, the so-called network wars are being waged. In conclusion, it is stated that the factor of the increasing role of modern communication technologies in the issues of information warfare and their impact on the formation of a “new world of political processes” is also relevant for the network-centric format of the hybrid war of the XXI century.


Vladimir Annenkov

Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great

Dr. Sci. (Military), Professor; senior researcher at the Scientific Research Center Balashikha, Russian Federation

Anatoly Moiseev

Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Email: moiseevanvas@mail.ru
Cand. Sci. (Military), Professor; Professor at the Department of the Public Administration in Foreign Policy Moscow, Russian Federation

Ruslan Shangaraev

Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia

Email: r.shangaraev@dipacademy.ru
Cand. Sci. (Econ.); associate professor at the Department of the Public Administration in Foreign Policy Moscow, Russian Federation


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