Can Digital/Artificial Intelligence Become a New Oracle for Humanity? (in the Context of the Theory of 3 Stages of Human Evolution by A. Comte and the Concept of the Formation of the 4th Stage – “Digital Philosophy”)




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Belief in the powerful, the supernatural, and the inexplicable has no beginning or end. The central role in human fears has always been played by oracles – sacred people (priests). At the same time, both people and places that were considered sacred could be an oracle. It was assumed that seers could both explain the supernatural and predict the future. K. Popper introduced the term – the philosophy of oracles to denote a style of philosophizing similar to the manner of predicting the future, used by oracles when performing religious cults or by mediums in magic sessions. The main method of divination oracles is to intimidate or enchant their listeners. In the context of A. Comte’s theory of human evolution, we will be able to see the following patterns of interaction with the supernatural: at the theological stage, for example, in Ancient Greece, there are many Gods; at the metaphysical stage – the reasoning of philosophers, for example, Plato about God as the Creator and Creator of the universe, and Aristotle spoke of God as a philosophical God, and at the early scientific stage – these are the discoveries made by Copernicus and Galileo, which completely turned the worldview of mankind. So at the present time, in the conditions of the formation of the 4th stage of human evolution, digital intelligence begins to prevail over the human mind, and artificial intelligence takes on the role of a world oracle capable of predicting the future in an incredible way.


Vladimir Smetana

International Sociological Association (ISA)

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6807-6798

candidate of philosophy, member of the International sociological association (ISA)

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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