Value Measurements: Content Analysis in Social Networks

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Social media platforms are becoming important translators of values in modern society, where young people express political sentiments through the use of various types of content. Relatively free online communication platforms, as well as high Internet penetration among young people, make it particularly relevant to study political values through content analysis in social networks. In order to determine the political values of young people that they broadcast on social networks, a comprehensive study was conducted based on the use of case-study, event-analysis and content analysis methods. In total, 42 groups of neutral dialogue platforms were studied; 42 - opposition and 23 communities of the “Young Guard”. Such a sample allows us to identify the peculiarities of the transmission of political values depending on geography, local traditions, peculiarities of mentality, and the development of civic activism.

About the authors

Lyudmila E. Ilyicheva

Institute of Public Service and Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation

Dr. Sci. (Polit), Professor; Director of the Center for Public-Private Partnership Moscow, Russian Federation

A. A Syzdykov

Institute of Public Service and Management of the RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation

master of Political Science Moscow, Russian Federation


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