Values of All-Russian Societal Organizations of Disabled People in Interaction With State Authorities

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Studying the issues of interaction between authorities and social and political groups there is a gap of understanding which values All-Russian organizations of disabled are guided in interaction with state authorities on the issues of social protection of the disabled. This article is devoted to answer this question by analyzing values of All-Russian Societies of Disabled, Blind, Deaf broadcasted in interaction with the state authorities on the level of collective actors. The study presented a methodology of values’ analysis. The array of data was collected, and a mixed analysis was carried out - content analysis of documents and a quantitative analysis of values indicators, and its visualization. The study traced dominance of “dominant” type of values on “minor” types that confirmed the results of World Value Survey on example of the conservative NGOs and state authorities’ interaction in Russian third sector. A mixed analysis of the values of representatives of All-Russian Societies of Disabled, Blind and Deaf in interaction with state authorities revealed that the existing values form the standard of norms, rules and practices that do not contribute to changing the model of interaction between All-Russian Societies of Disabled and state authorities, thereby persisting inertia in the institutes of interaction between the organizations and state authorities.

About the authors

Aleksandr I. Bugrovsky

ITMO University’s AI Research Center “Strong AI in Industry”

junior researcher at the ITMO University’s AI Research Center “Strong AI in Industry” St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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