Discounted payback period and variant approach to determining the initial investments in investment project scenarios




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The revelance of the study is due to the fact that generally accepted domestic and foreign, as well as international methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments in terms of dynamic performance parameters, including the discounted payback period of an investment project, do not link its calculations at the stages of the life cycle of the investment project. These methods do not involve making adjustments to the calculation of the discounted payback period, as the progressive implementation in the life cycle of the investment project, and a corresponding increase in the accuracy of the estimate of the volume of initial investments determinated at successive stages of the investment project. The modern studies also do not fully disclosed the highlighted issues, especially taking into account the variable approach to the assessment of initial investments determined at various stages of the investment project. In order to improve the efficiency of investments, this study proposes an approach to determining the discounted payback period of investments, taking into account the variable assessment of initial investments, in the context of the life cycle of implementation investment project. The results of the study can be applied in the practice of investment projects implementation, including state financial participation.


Dmitriy Guzhev

BRICS University (UniBRICS)

Соискатель степени кандидат экономических наук по научной специальности 5.2.4 «Финансы» Департамента экономики, менеджмента и бизнес-технологий


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版权所有 © Guzhev D.A., 2023
