Optimization of the company's capital structure as one of the goals of investment projects




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In uncertain economic conditions, companies must tackle the challenge of creating an efficient financial strategy. The imperfection of capital structure management methods that allow minimizing costs and maximizing the financial result of investments is one of the main problems. Such management is necessary for the successful implementation of investment projects, since the capital structure directly affects the efficiency of the investor company. The effectiveness of investment projects is influenced not only by the sources of financing, but also by their structure. Therefore, the assessment of the impact of the ratio of equity and debt financing has a significant impact on both the project and the activities of the investor company. This is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of an investment project and making a decision on its implementation. The article reflects an assessment of the possible economic effect of the impact described above. An improved approach to the analysis of the impact of the financing structure of an investment project on the efficiency of an investor company is presented. The article will be of interest to researchers studying the specifics of financing mechanisms for investment projects, as well as businessmen seeking to optimize the financing structure in their companies.


Andrey Pershin


Email: qqq19975@yandex.ru


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